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The Sancho case makes the leap to HBO Max with the unpublished testimony of Rodolfo Sancho

The Sancho case makes the leap to HBO Max with the unpublished testimony of Rodolfo Sancho

The judicial plots have found a loophole in the exquisite creation of content that the large platforms rely on, a gap that has been taken advantage of. HBO Max and whose final product can be viewed on a very specific date: The streaming service will premiere this April 9, the day on which the trial against Daniel Sancho begins, a documentary series which investigates the case in real time and includes testimonies from people close to the cook and the victim, the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta. The Sancho case.

There will be four episodes in which the story is developed. One of the points that has earned the singular attention of quite a few curious people has been the exclusive and unpublished interview that Rodolfo Sancho, father of the accused, has granted to talk in depth about how he is facing the situation. His words will be the star dish of the first installment, the Episode zero; the rest will see the light throughout this year and once the trial is concluded, which makes the series a proposal in real timesomething that sets it apart from other productions of the genre. true crime.

With the maximum responsibility and respect

The docuseries, work of Quartz Productions (Banijay Iberia), delves into the case from the exhaustiveness that the search for evidence deserves to listening to versions, testimonies and all kinds of voices close to what happened. Alberto Carullovice president of HBO Max production in Italy and Spain, describes this as original, which delves into a topical issue both in Spain and internationallyclarifying that he will address one of the most high-profile cases in recent times with the utmost journalistic rigor.

Furthermore, this work has Margaret Luisexecutive producer of Cuarzo and director of the series, has no other purpose other than pure follow-up and respect for all parties. We approach this project with the utmost responsibility and respect. We face the challenge of following up on one of the most important cases in Spain in recent years due to all the attention it has generated, explains Luis.

As for the objective, it is none other than, in the words of the executive producer, that of document the entire processfrom the moment the facts became known until the sentencing, taking into account the tremendous pain that this event has caused in so many people.

The series begins in Fuerteventura, where Rodolfo Sancho resides, and is full of clues and jumps in time that come to weave together the odyssey of a tripboth physical and psychological, so difficult that it is based on not yet having a written ending.

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