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The secret of Maluma’s physical change

The secret of Maluma's physical change

Maluma is in a great professional and personal moment. The singer from Medellín has gone to the anthill to publicly present his latest song and, in addition, he has confessed some of the ssecrets that has caused him to be in the best form of recent timess. the singer of Happy the 4 has recognized that the key is daily work.

I eat everything I like, but I calculate the portions well”, he has recognized before pointing out what are the types of foods that he has prohibited from his diet. “I don’t take sugar, I canceled it. I hardly eat carbohydrates and I do eat a lot of protein“, has added. Although, obviously, not everything is in the diet, but also goes to the gym.

“I go every day, but more than for the physical I do it for the mind. That works at a different pace when one is committed to oneself, to the being, to the spirit, to the mind and to the body. I would call that fit, to have a balance”, he has finished explaining. A few days ago, she shared her physical change on her Instagram account, extolling that she is “stronger than yesterday.”

His relationship with Sergio Ramos

It has been almost a year since it was known that the singer had one of the sons of the world champion horse Sergio Ramos in Medellín. Now, Maluma has spoken publicly about it. “My animals are my children. I have now 40 horses. I have seen this colt, called Horizonte, grow up since he was little. He is one of my favorite foals thanks to Sergio”.

At the time, the Sergio Ramos stud farm presented the horse after its birth. “From Criadero Royalty we present to Horizonte, a Spanish horse son of the great world champion Yucatán de Ramos. With a great temperament, excellent movements and great height”, they wrote at the time. When he met Yucatán, Maluma expressed his desire to have his child on his property and later he was able to make his dream come true.

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