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The Senate will approve the inclusion of police and civil guards as risk professionals

The Senate will approve the inclusion of police and civil guards as risk professionals

The retirement age established for agents of the National Police and Civil Guard It is 65 atas stipulated by the Organic Law 9/2015 for the first, and the Organic Law 29/2014 for the seconds. However, your particular situation could change soon.

In the Senate, the PP registered a non-legal proposal to improve the retirement of these professionals, by considering their profession as risky. A proposal that will also include Customs Surveillance agents. For the moment, the Ministry of Labor, responsible for preparing the list, Includes only Municipal Police forcesas well as the autonomous (Ertzainzta, Mossos d’Esquadra and Polica Foral de Navarra).

However, For this law to prosper, it must be validated in Congress of the Deputies and, subsequently, published in the Official State Gazette (BOE). In addition to these Security Bodies and Forces, the workers included in the Mining Statute, aerial work flight personnel, railway workers, artists, bullfighting professionals, firefighters at the service of administrations and public organizations.

Comparison with autonomous policies

Professionals considered at risk can access retirement from the age of 59 and receive their entire pension. Currently, agents National Police and Civil Guard must wait until they are 65 years old so that they do not see their retirement pension reduced.

For example, an agent autonomous, if you decide to retire early, you can earn 500 euros per month plus than a national police officer or a Benemrita agent who chooses to retire at the same age. A gap that increases to 900 euros after retirement. Simply put, you can charge 12,625 euros less than an autonomous police officer. Mon The Reasoncompared to an autonomous police officer, a retired national police officer would have lost up to 70,000 euros with respect to to an autonomic in just six years.

Retirement of municipal and regional

In the case of agents of the PoliceFor example, In no case may the age be less than 60 years or less than 59 years., as long as 35 years or more of effective activity and contribution in the body are proven. The Mossos have similar legislation in this regard.

To the agents of the Navarrese corps, the reducing coefficient of 0.20 will be applied to the years worked as Navarre provincial police to reduce the age of access to the retirement pension, which in no case may be lower than 60 years, or 59 years when 35 or more years of contributions are proven. To the local policethe retirement age will be reduced by a period equivalent to that resulting from applying the reducing coefficient of 0.20 to the years worked

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