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The son of Concha Velasco clarifies the state of health of the actress

The son of Concha Velasco clarifies the state of health of the actress

He son of Concha Velasco has spoken on the mother’s state of health after the news came to light in recent days that his situation had worsened. “My mother remains stable, within her delicate general state,” Manuel has now reported in an extensive statement.

“He continues in his magnificent residence in Las Rozas, Breathing pure airaccompanied at all times, and with all the attention and care that he needs”, he added. In addition, he has also confirmed that “no serious deterioration in his health has happened” and neither “no new hospital admission“, but that yes” she is transferred to the hospital regularly to receive the treatment and constant supervision that her illness requires.


The son of the interpreter has also taken the opportunity to beg “the same privacy and intimacywhen this happens, as up to now”. The scriptwriter explained that he keeps his cell phone silent due to “the numerous calls I receive every day, always attentive, sometimes I find myself in need, because of my own mental healthof ‘breathe’ a littleand more on weekends.

The film director has clarified that neither he nor his brother Paco have restricted visits to the residence because their mother “does very well”. But she has reported that they try to organize them “always all in an order, and in doses, so that you don’t get tired.”

“I greatly appreciate the love my mother receives, for being the best actress in this country, so when it happens again, unfortunately, some significant worsening of his delicate health, I will have no problem duly reporting it again, as I did at Christmas”, Manuel said.


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With these words, Concha’s son hopes “to have clarified all your doubts with education, accessibility, transparency and sincerity” and sends “a hug full of affection to all the media, and use these lines to thank you again for your love always and so that you understand, that I know you do, what I personally have been living for some time now” .

“We are all human, so am I, and if I don’t extend myself more sometimes, it is because this is day by day. This takes its toll on an emotional level, a lot of invoice. A lot. Believe me, this is very difficult (the “fake news”, the unfunny jokes of the famous “necrobats” on social networks, the “videoblogs” with “clickbait” headlines out of context, etc.) (…) A loving hug everyone, without exception, and always at your disposalManuel”, ended the statement.

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