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The strange taste of a First Dates single who asked to change her name

The strange taste of a First Dates single who asked to change her name

In the midst of a process of change in the television programming of the different networks in Spain, First Dates continues to survive thanks to the humanity demonstrated by its protagonists.. The diners who come in search of love on blind dates conquer the audience with their habits, predilections or improbable stories.

In one of the last deliveries, Andrea, or maybe we should call her Carla, arrived at the restaurant with a special request. As soon as she entered through the door, the single woman asked Carlos Sobera to hide her real name -Andrea-, and call her Carla. The explanation surprised the Basque presenter even more: The thing is, if things don’t work out, I don’t even want him to know my real name.

But the thing didn’t stop there. When the Basque asked her what he was looking for in a man, Andrea responded that what he paid most attention to was having a nice jawline. Far from seeing it as something strange, Andrea justified his preference: I don’t know why. As there are girls who like the eyes, the look or the beard, I like them to have a good jaw.

It only took a few seconds for Miguel to enter the set. It’s not a jaw that made me wow, what a jaw, but well, Andrea judged at first, who hesitated when repeating her name. Do you like the name Carla? Is very prettyMatas immediately replied, unleashing a nervous laugh between the two that Miguel didn’t quite understand.

The course of the appointment changed almost decisively when Miguel saw how one of his worst goals was fulfilled: that his appointment be dental prosthetics. During dinner I recognized that he had a bad dental heredity and a certain distrust of having his mouth touched. The news was like a kind of direct blow to the jaw of the future of the couple, who decided not to continue getting to know each other on a second date.

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