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The surgeon just like Boris Izaguirre who sweeps TikTok

Many times it is said that we all have a double somewhere in the world and there are even studies on the subject. Last year, without going any further, the magazine Cell Reporters shared the results of an investigation that demonstrated the biological reason to explain the similarities between two people who are not related. According to the scientists in charge of the study, having a double is increasingly likely because the human population stands at 7.9 billion people and because they share DNA fragments in which genetic characteristics are related to the genes responsible for the formation of facial features.

Only a few people have been able to find their double, but that list could already be included Boris Izaguirre. And it is that there a plastic surgeon sweeping TikTok who is practically a copy of the Venezuelan presenter. The man’s name is Jesús Abreu, he is known on the social network as @drjesusabreu and in the last few hours he has published a video responding to those followers who keep telling him that he looks a lot like Boris.

“I thought you were Boris Izaguirre,” a user told him. “Imagine, and worse if I go to Spain. In Madrid, already on the plane, they say: ‘You saw it, you saw it’. because they always confuse me”, he began expressing.

And it is that the plastic surgeon wanted to send a funny message directly to Boris thanking him for the resemblance and the fame that he has given him because he has even managed to be invited to some restaurants. “Boris, if you see this, listen to me. I have even had to give autographs for you. And thank you, because many times restaurants don’t even want to charge me”, he added between laughs.

In the comments there have been many who have wanted to highlight his amazing resemblance to the presenter. “He looks more like Boris than Boris himself”, “he’s nailed” or “he even looks like his voice”, have been some of the messages that have been read in a video that is already viral.

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