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The terrible ordeal suffered by one of the actresses of "Será que es Amor"

If Telefe has already confirmed something before the end of 2022, it is that it will continue with Turkish soap operas for this new year, and one of its most anticipated premieres is undoubtedly “Could it be love”a series that has managed to conquer many countries around the world, and which stars Hande Erçel and Kerem Bürsin.

Despite “Could it be love” It has not been released in Argentina, and the talents that interpret this Ottoman drama have given a lot to talk about and have managed to win the affection of the public. Even the actress Melisa Döngel, known for playing the protagonist’s best friend in said novel, revolutionized Spain and Turkey with the sad episode that she had to go through when she was just a girl.

The Turkish newspaper Hürriyet published a heartfelt interview with the actress from “Could it be love”, where she herself confirmed that she had suffered sexual abuse by her father and had to go to therapy to get over that moment. She also confessed that her parent is in custody and that she has not had any contact with him for many years.

Döngel’s hard life did not end with his father’s crime either, as he is currently in a fierce legal battle to retain custody of his 17-year-old sister. According to the Ottoman media, her father has also requested custody so that the minor goes to live with her mother in Russia.

Kerem’s character became one of the most beloved of “Será que es Amor”.

Melissa’s future

An important piece of information is the way in which the actress from said production of MF Yapim She came to this career by mere chance, since in reality her dream is to study Psychology to help other victims like her.

Döngel is one of the most loved and respected actresses in Turkey.

In an interview with Marie Claire, she even revealed that she began to appear for some dramatic roles in order to become independent and thus continue fighting for the possession of her sister.

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