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The track with which Laura Escanes confirms her new relationship

The track with which Laura Escanes confirms her new relationship

The echoes of a possible relationship with the media environment of Laura Scanes when, without prior clue or warning, Laura Fa and Lorena Vzquez discovered in their podcast Mamarazzis that the Catalan content creator had a relationship with a camera technician who works in The Travessa, the TV3 program he presents. They did not reveal the identity of the person in question, but The passing of the days made the information fall under its own weight.

It happened that, first, his name was revealed. Mikel. Quite a few curious people investigated the program staff, finding that there is only one person with that name: Mikel Soand that, indeed, he is a camera technician, which is the profession that the journalists had confessed. After the marriage with Risto Mejide and the turbulent relationship, especially due to its abrupt breakup, with lvaro de Lunathe next loving episode of the influencer. He has made it clear, perhaps unintentionally, with a publication that hides a curious detail.

The key: the ring

When Escanes’ possible relationship came to light It was nothing more than a specific thing and that, probably, it had no further route. This is how Vázquez and Fa slipped it. Rumorology was in charge of drawing the spectrum of what seemed to be a growth of the relationship and, finally, it was Escanes herself who gave reality to said cloud: the presenter uploaded a carousel of Instagram photographs on the Catalan beach, one of the publications being a video in which an indiscreet hand caresses his back.

His face is not seen. She just held the hand. But it could be enough: social networks themselves have revealed that the ring of the person caressing Escanes is, precisely, the ring that Mikel shows in his Instagram photographs. The expectation on social networks has manifested itself in the form of different comments that take the publication as a confirmation of their relationship. That the hand could be seen was precisely the intention of this postsays one of the users, grouping the generalized feeling of the comment box into a single thought.

During the next few hours has been expressed influencer in relation to various themes, in addition to a round of questions he asked. He has talked about his and Violeta Mangrin’s program, among other things; but about the flood of messages about Mikel, nothing. Only the publication and the ring, which has made their date an open secret.

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