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The TV Factory closes after its divorce with Mediaset

The TV Factory closes after its divorce with Mediaset

Mediaset Spain and La Fbrica de la Tele announced on December 5 the end of their contractual relationship after seventeen years of success at Telecinco. The change in the group’s editorial line towards whiter and more familiar content left spaces as hooligans as Slvame or Deluxe out of play. Even regular faces like Mara Patio or Nuria Marn in Socialit that the new board asked to replace last summer, although Adrin Madrid and Scar Cornejo ignored them.

This request was the beginning of a long divorce process between the Fuencarral company and the production company that felt that His television narrative no longer had a place in the new directives of the communication group, as revealed this Tuesday by El Pas. The aforementioned media also announces that La Fbrica de la Tele cease its activity in the coming weeks with a progressive and orderly closure.

In this way, La Fbrica de la Tele says goodbye forever after fulfilling its mission: giving Telecinco its own DNA based on entertainment by covering hours and hours of programming with its programs for more than a decade. Adrian Madrid and Scar Cornejo They will continue with their adventure but they will do it from another company from which they will carry out the second season of Every Man for Himself!the docureality of Beln Esteban, Kiko Hernández and company on Netflix.

Relations between Mediaset and the production company began to strain shortly before the summer when, through a leak in El Mundo, the directors of La Fbrica de la Tele learned of the decision to cancel Slvame after fourteen years. The request to remove María Patio and Nuria Marn from Socialit did not help to calm the waters either.. At the end of May, the Cornejo and Madrid company was forced to start an ERE that culminated this same month. They have just started a second regulation file.

And the other programs?

Chester, Everything is a Lie and Socialit are the three programs from La Fbrica de la Tele that continue to live on Telecinco and Cuatro. However, These spaces may remain in Mediaset with the help of other production companies. Both Adrin Madrid and Oscar Cornejo agree to transfer these formats to other companies so that their workers will inherit them.

The communication group is in talks with Fnix Media Audiovisual, owned by Christian Glvez, to take control of Socialit with Mara Verdoy as presenter; Meanwhile, Risto Mejide studies the proposal he has on the table to produce his own spaces: Everything is a lie and Chester.

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