The US opposes Palestine's accession to the UN

I know that it is politically incorrect to say so, that the opportunity to speak there about the true situation of the island is not wise to close, that there have also been condemnations from that platform, and a long etcetera. As long as the list of idiots who annually advocate withdrawing sanctions against the totalitarian State. Okay.

But what goes through your head when you read that Cuba has just been give you chairs in the UN Commissions on Social Development and Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice? What commissions! The Social Development one is the most absurd. Socialism promised the country a bright future and has barely left it with blackouts day in and day out.

The fact that Cuba occupies a seat among the countries that will ensure the prevention of Crime and Criminal Justice is a mockery of families like those of the young Andy García Lorenzo, or Nadir and Jorge Martín, who have not found justice for their children.

The UN Human Development Index, which sounds pompous and desirable, works for the Castro elite as a propaganda opportunity. Although to put it together the per capita income of a country, the years of schooling and the life expectancy of its inhabitants are taken into consideration, in the Cuban case the last two elements trigger the position in the world ranking in a misleading way.

The regime controls and finances the state’s mandatory system of indoctrination, not schooling, for Cubans from preschool age to doctoral students. On the other hand, life expectancy, related to health services, must have declined in recent years, dates in which there is no plaster for injured bones, nor aspirin in pharmacies, and returning Cubans to pre-Columbian times. with a mixture of herbs, roots and boils to relieve pain.

The United Nations System not only validates Cuban socialist tyranny on a symbolic level. It also fills his pockets with money and trains its cadres to obtain those millionaire resources. Of course, all in the name of flattening inequality and other Marxist nonsense.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) organized this week in Havana a Conference on Financing for Development, which brought together international institutions, cooperation actors and government agencies to discuss innovative sources and initiatives to finance development. . Whose development? Of the hungry Cuban population that is prohibited from freely producing, selling or exporting?

The Castro leadership, all smiles, thanks the lifeguard to the globalist leadership. New York bureaucrats show the challenges and opportunities of access to international financing in areas such as “energy transition, drug production and environmental conservation” to the bureaucrats of the Palace of the Revolution.

The unelected officials of the UN give the key to regional and subregional development banks, and explain the ins and outs of the operation and creation of national development banking entities and other innovative mechanisms, to the unelected officials of the Biranato.

The UNDP wants to finance, throw shovels of money at the longest dictatorship in the Hemisphere, to accelerate the 2030 Agenda, say its officials. Not so that there is freedom in Cuba, nor respect for the Universal Charter of Human Rights or natural law.

Hurrying to the meeting, in their modern Chinese cars, through the ruined streets of what was Havana, are the numeraries of the Ministries of Economy and Planning, Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, and of Foreign Affairs, the Central Bank of Cuba, the UNDP, and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration.

What real and effective oversight can be done on how a totalitarian system manages funds? Believing that it is possible is as naive (or malicious) as repeating the figures given by the terrorist group Hamas on the number of deaths in Gaza. Oops! the UN believes them and validates them, and by decantation the alliance of socio-periactivist cancinos (leftists, reporters and “social organizers”, forgive the redundancy).

Already in 2022, the regime was invited to the Executive Board of the United Nations Children’s Fund, just months after having arrested and tried to dozens of minors who participated in the demonstrations on July 11 and 12, 2021 (11J) in different locations throughout the country.

In October 2023, when it had broken the record for the highest number of political prisoners per capita in the Western Hemisphere, Cuba was one of the 47 states elected to join the UN Human Rights Council. The most disturbing thing was not that, but that it was the sixth time! in which the supranational organization honored Cuba for massacring defenseless civilians on the high seas, demolishing and harassing religious people, and imprisoning reporters and artists.

After the secret, direct and individual vote of 146 members of the General Assembly, Cuba was the country with the highest number of votes in the region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs he interpreted it as a sample “of the prestige achieved by the country in the work” of that body. It is, in truth, two questions.

An alignment within the UN with the equalizing ideal (in poverty) of the project imposed in Cuba, and Fidel Castro’s early move to plant embassies, and influence through them, in every possible country, with only two exceptions : Israel, so as not to disturb Arab jihadists and socialists, and South Korea, so as not to disturb the red dynasty in Pyongyang.

In 2019, a few months before Castroism included me on the blacklist of the Regulated for two and a half years, I was part of a small delegation of Cubans that advocated for freedom of conscience at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Swiss. You can find everything there.

We spoke for hours in the large and illuminated cafeteria-lounge of the building with ambassadors from Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, very attentive and with similar stories that we shared due to the Marxist past of those Central European nations. The Canadian official, who did not seem too interested that there were good people imprisoned in Cuba, excused himself to leave the chair in front of us. The South Korean diplomat took out a pen and an agenda, pointing while alternating his gaze between those speaking and the page. “I’m very interested in you sharing what’s happening firsthand,” he said in perfect English.

The Council headquarters was full of Chinese propaganda about respect for art in that country, while an exhibition was announced. Giant posters, promotions. The Chinese Communist Party had funds gushing and knew where to put them.

The UN, needless to say, is not the only space where lovers of the left act as groupies politicians for the Havana regime. In 2023 the German socialist Udo Bullmann, president of the Human Rights Subcommittee of the European Parliament, vetoed a global resolution which condemned, for example, the use of torture and ill-treatment by the Cuban authorities.

It was not a simple MEP, but the man who chairs the Human Rights Subcommittee of high continental politics; This was not a disputed issue, but a clear moral direction for European values.

Having said all this, one thing can be made clear: the biggest problem is not even the existence of international scenarios for dialogue, but rather the basis and foundation of that dialogue. Not all ideas, with their respective ideologies, lead to the flourishing of a civilization.

There is one better than others. To pretend that a majority of socialists are going to, magically, side with those oppressed by a tyranny like the Cuban one would be to ignore the historical pats on the back that the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, the socialists of the 21st century and Other models of the same quality have received from the very expensive multilateral institutions.

It would be a sudden and unusual change of paradigm if there were more condemnations than awards for the Cuban Marxists from the UN administration. Something that, in mathematical terms, René Thom would describe as a quantitative expansion, which takes the form of a sudden and unexpected event. That is, something that is experienced more as a catastrophe than as continuity. Oh! The beautiful political catastrophe of the improbable.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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