They warn that the regime is creating a scenario of violence ahead of elections

During its pastoral exhortation, the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV) reminded everyone in the country that on July 28th there is a “new opportunity” to make decisions that will produce a “profound reform of democracy, civil society and quality of life.”

“The vote thus assumes a vital importance in the current reality in which we live; only by overcoming abstentionism and political apathy, we will be able to advance in the reconstruction of the country,” is captured in the CEV document, which was read at a press conference by Monsignor Juan de Dios Peña, bishop of El Vigía.

The Episcopal Conference stated that the Venezuelan people, full of hope, have in their hands the power to build a better future, in a country that has experienced “a constant deterioration in the educational, food, health, public services, citizen participation, justice and freedoms systems defined in the national constitution.”

They called for walking together, overcoming divisions, and promoting peaceful coexistence through dialogue and understanding, which are necessary for integral development and social fraternity. They stressed the importance of avoiding all types of retaliation and violence.

They also invited the people of God in Venezuela, each parish and community, to intensify their prayers for peace and well-being in the country.

“The prayer for Venezuela, so well known to all, can be recited in the liturgical acts of the communities, as well as in personal and family prayer. We invoke the Holy Trinity, source of communion, and the maternal tenderness of Mary of Coromoto, patron saint of Venezuela, to protect the Venezuelan people in this moment of great decisions,” concludes the text of the announcement.

An exhortation to recover citizen participation

The archbishops and bishops of Venezuela also urged citizens to recover their “citizen vocation” in order to overcome the political inertia that has existed for years.

“The stake “Free, conscious and responsible participation in these elections is of great importance to design a future with hope and build a country of progress, peace, justice and freedom: this will demonstrate that the people are the true protagonists of democracy,” the bishops stated.

They also highlighted the power of trust and participation to put an end to the discourse that there will be no change.

“Despite the obstacles that are appearing, it is necessary to overcome the shadows of the prophets of discouragement, whose message until now has been: “nothing can be done”, “nothing will change”. This must be overcome by massive citizen participation in the elections as individuals, and as a civil society, who place their trust in renewed political practices that promote integral human development where the center is the human person with his or her inviolable dignity.”


Source: Writing

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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