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The Walking Dead: this spin-off finally confirms one of the biggest theories of the series

The numerous spin-offs of the franchise The Walking Dead offer us new revelations about the universe of the series available in full on Netflix. The latest episode has just confirmed one of the biggest theories about the series.

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It took years and the development of several spin-offs of the franchise The Walking Dead to finally lift the veil on several mysteries. After the revelation of a mystery linked to the first episode of the original series in Dead City – which follows the adventures of Maggie and Negan – the first developments of the other spin-off, Daryl Dixon, also offer us answers. And not least! While season 11 of The Walking Dead had suggested that certain very fast zombies were created by humans and did not evolve that way on their own, episode 3 of the spin-off centered on the character of Norman Reedus, which is not yet available in France, goes even further. In a scene with the villain of the series, Genet (played by Frenchwoman Anne Charrier) we understand that the scientist’s team is trying to increase the zombies’ abilities with laboratory experiments. The series leaves little room for doubt when it makes Genet say, as the guinea pig grows stronger: “We are making progress.”

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A revelation which allows us to better understand the credits of Daryl Dixon

This new revelation allows us to better understand the opening credits of the episodes of Daryl Dixon. We see diagrams and sketches of zombie bodies with several annotations in red. Although they are, for the most part, illegible, we can still see the inscriptions “Control death”, “If we know how to reactivate the heart, it will spread more quickly” or “entry point”. All in French in the text. We can therefore think that this sketchbook belongs to Genet and that she notes there her Machiavellian plan to strengthen the zombies.

Daryl Dixon : a French intrigue that escapes the French

It’s a shame. Even though the plot of Daryl Dixon takes place in France, with a few French actors, notably Clémence Poésy, and the episodes have titles in French, the series is not yet available in France. The first episode of the spin-off was released on September 10 on the American channel AMC. The platforms which broadcast American series in France have unfortunately not taken over the rights. The consolation remains: the entire original series The Walking Dead is available on Netflix.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

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