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The White Lotus: a prequel on Tanya considered?

Mike White says a spinoff series with Jennifer Coolidge is not to be ruled out.

Spoiler alert if you haven’t seen season 2.

The man behind The White Lotusscreenwriter and director Mike Whiteseems open to the idea of ​​a prequel series centered on asked McQuoida character played by Jennifer Coolidge.

I think it’s totally possible. We were just talking about it. It’s a fun idea“, said the anthology series creator during a press conference at the Vivid Sydney Festival on Saturday, according Deadline.

And because he loves working with the star so much Jennifer Coolidge, Mike White about “make Jennifer 20 years younger” so that the actress can resume her role as Tanya – who, as a reminder, dies at the end of season 2. The only way to bring her back is therefore to tell events that took place long before this tragedy, hence the idea of ​​a prequel…

It could be funny. I think Jennifer would be like ‘Sure, let’s do it!’” a poursuivi White.

Season 3 of The White Lotus will take place in Thailand

The first involved Coolidgeeven has an idea of ​​where she would like a project like this to see the light of day: “Australia has my vote.” White, who is currently working on the third season set in Thailand, has also expressed interest in Australia for potential future seasons. “My dream would be to go to all continents. We’re kind of forced to come to Australia if we keep going,” he said. And while Tanya definitely won’t be returning for season 3, someone close to her will be back: Belinda, the spa manager from season 1, played by Natasha Rothwell.

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