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A month and a half after the birth of her daughter Maéna, very premature, Amadine Pellissard gave in an Instagram story this Saturday, September 16, good news about her youngest after visiting her in the hospital.

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A real “warrior”a small “beating”. These are the words that Amandine Pellissard has become accustomed to using to describe her daughter Maéna born prematurely at the beginning of August. Since then, the mother of nine children has regularly given news of her youngest to her 390,000 followers on Instagram. Maéna is really evolving too well. We are so proud of her, we are super happy, more and more reassured”she declared in the story this Saturday, September 16 alongside her husband Alexandre after their almost daily visit to the hospital. “I think, indeed, that the worst is behind us nowshe rejoiced.

Amandine Pellissard’s daughter, Maéna, gained weight and went from 810 g to 1.455 kg

We are there almost every day, but it happens that for 24 hours, we don’t go there. The longest we couldn’t go to the hospital was 48 hours in a row and it was horrible.”continued the former participant of Large families, life in XXL. “For reasons that were not within our control, we were unable to get there 48 hours around ten days ago and I noticed that when we do skin to skin, she gains weight exponentially, confided Amandine Pellissard. When she was born at the beginning of August, Maéna weighed only 810 g. “She is 1.455 kg. She gained a lot of weight between yesterday and today., announced his mother. The presence of her parents clearly boosts her.

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After trying times with her premature daughter, Amandine Pellissard finally sees the end of the tunnel

“For 24 hours, when we don’t go, she either doesn’t gain weight or she loses it. The nurse confirmed it to us.”, said Amandine Pellissard. According to her, “babies who do not have skin to skin stay hospitalized longer”. “We are on the right track. We’re halfway there, maybe even a little more only half, so it feels good”, confided the mother in an Instagram story. Enough to reassure her and allow her to breathe a little. “Me, I am reborn again from all this. I feel like I’ve been on hold for a month and a halfshe concluded, evoking moments “testing”, “unbelievably violent”.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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