Theatrical comedy nominated for the ACE Awards premieres in Miami

MIAMI.-Most of the premieres that the Cirko company theater, presented in its Teatro 8 room, creates expectations among the public that follows the work of the acting couple of Jessica Álvarez Diguez and Alejandro Vales, who often act as businessmen, actors, directors and producers. With a smile of satisfaction, Jessica points out: we have to do everything to be able to promote the projects we want.

For the premiere this Friday, May 31 of the comedy My mother, my girlfriend and I, text by Mechi Bove, the formula is fulfilled: Jessica Álvarez Diguez is one of the leading actresses and Alejandro Vales is the director.

This work has been on stage for three years in Buenos Aires, and has reached other capitals, in Chile, Colombia, Uruguay and Ecuador with great success, that is why we have brought it to Miami, says the director, who for this production has three very talented actors, Martin Sipicki, with whom I have worked before, Agustina Lecouna, who makes her debut in Miami as an actress, although she comes with a recognized career and Jessica Álvarez Diguez.

We stay up to date with the theatrical work in Buenos Aires, and also what is done in Europe, and we look for comedies, which then allow us to create good projects, like this one by My mother, my girlfriend and meof which we will make its premiere in the United States, says Jessica.

My mother, my girlfriend and me It was nominated for the 2022 Ace Awards in the category of best comedy of the year. The press has written that since its premiere at the Teatro Paseo La Plaza in Buenos Aires, it has enjoyed resounding success.

In the play, the character of Fernando is a confirmed, conniving and hypochondriac bachelor who, at 43 years old, still lives with his dependent and domineering mother, Victoria. Then the man decides to settle down with Leticia, the first woman he really cares about. This forces him to face the difficult task of introducing his girlfriend to his mother. But a Christmas Eve dinner may change everything when Fernando announces to Victoria that he is finally leaving his mother’s house to live with Leticia, who in turn does not know that Fernando still lives with her mother.

This type of work, which the producers define as a delirious comedy, leads to a series of scenarios full of humor, while the different situations come to light.

Both Jessica and Alejandro express that behind the humor are realities of everyday life, such as guilt, loneliness, codependency, the need to start one’s own family and old age. Issues that afflict our protagonist and that make the task of stopping a mother so complex that, from her fear to her abandonment, she drowns her son.

Director Alejandro Vales feels comfortable working with a text like Mechi Bove’s and with a cast that he describes as a first-class team. Adding: the work has been very pleasant, with a group of actors who propose all the time, who from the search work are contributing to the project and who at the same time adjust to the way I like to work.

Regarding Agustina Lecouna, who will be seen on stage for the first time in Miami, the director highlights that Agustina Lecouna is very well known in Argentina, adding that her father, Ral Lecouna, was one of the most important television and film producers in Argentina. That trajectory and dedication has made the job easier for My mother, my girlfriend and me. With Martin Sipicki they already worked on Married and without children. They point him out as a very complete actor who masters humor.

The work is very nice, says Jessica, the relationship between an old-fashioned mother who suddenly confronts a modern girl, which leads to a clash, ironic and subtle, between two women with different visions of life. It is in an apparently simple text where more emotions are generated, and that is very important in this work, she says.

Regarding the work that Jessica Álvarez Diguez and her husband Alejandro Vales have been doing for years to promote their theatrical project Cirko Teatro and maintain an open theater against all adversities, they affirm: Theater is a way of life and theater is our home, and That’s how we function. There is no way we can’t work together, we simply need each other, one cannot live without the other, that’s how it is with us in all aspects of our lives, concludes Jessica.

My mother, my girlfriend and me It begins its season at Teatro 8, on Friday, May 31, at 9 pm, and on Saturday, June 1, at 8:30 pm. Teatro 8, 2173 SW 8 St., Miami, 33135. Reservations at (305) 541-4841 and on the website

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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