They are preparing a draft resolution in the OAS against the Nicaraguan regime

MIAMI — A draft resolution to urge regime of Daniel Ortegain Nicaraguato cease violations of human rights and restore democratic institutions in the Central American country, will be presented by Canada in the next General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS)which will be held on June 26 and 28, in Washington.

In the project, Canada highlights its concern about the “continuous deterioration of the human rights situation in Nicaragua since 2018″ given the “persistence of impunity by state agencies in cases involving at least 355 deaths and 2,000 injuries, as well as more than 2,000 reports of arbitrary detentions for political reasons.”

In the project, Canada also mentions as an argument “the displacement of more than 270,000 Nicaraguans who have sought asylum around the world”, “the suppression of civic spaces through the cancellation of more than 3,000 civil society organizations”, the “deprivation of the nationality and political rights of more than 300 people” and the closure of “at least 54 media outlets”, in addition to “250 journalists forced into exile.”

The project already has the endorsement of Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Dominican Republic, the United States and Uruguay.

With respect to Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, it is expected that their governments will establish a position on the project closer to the date of the General Assembly of the OASInfobae reported.

Likewise, the text of the initiative urges Ortega to comply with his obligations to defend the rule of law and human rights and “reestablish the exercise of the rights of people deprived of them.” The latter includes the deprivation of their right to nationality and to enter or leave Nicaragua.

The project calls for an “immediate end” to the impunity of state institutions and “other actors who perpetrate serious human rights violations.”

Political prisoners

Likewise, it urges the regime to “immediately and unconditionally” release those deprived of liberty for political or religious reasons.

He adds that the regime must respect the precautionary measures that have been granted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, “particularly those issued on April 25, 2024.”

It also demands “refraining from arbitrarily repressing and detaining leaders of the evangelical church, and providing information on the physical and psychological health of the 11 religious leaders of “Puerta de la Montaña”, who are being held in maximum security facilities.”

Likewise, it requests that the “government of Nicaragua” engage constructively with the inter-American human rights system, facilitating international scrutiny within the framework of international law, allowing the entry into its territory of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and its Special Follower. Accession Mechanism, as well as other competent international organizations”.

The resolution, which has seven chapters, establishes the creation of a voluntary working group to closely monitor the evolution of the situation in Nicaragua. Furthermore, the government of Daniel Ortega is urged to initiate a high-level dialogue that includes his reinstatement as an active member of the Organization.

Finally, the initiative closes with “redoubling efforts to facilitate, through individual or collective actions, the cessation of human rights violations in Nicaragua.”

Threat to the region

At the end of May, the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), in an extraordinary session, analyzed the Inter-American Democratic Charter and considered it urgent to prevent the Nicaraguan and Venezuelan processes from spreading in Latin America, given the threats that They loom over the institutionality of democracies in the region.

They also considered creating mechanisms that allow political and moral sanctions to be applied to regional dictatorships.

The Sandinista regime has ignored the resolutions of multilateral organizations without any repercussions.

Source: With information from Infobae

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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