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They assure that China Suárez would be very close to a well-known TV heartthrob: the reason

Contrary to what many believed, after the scandalous proportions of “Wandagate”, the china suarez He managed to continue with his life as if nothing had happened.

In fact, shortly after being denounced as the third in contention in the marriage of Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi, the china suarez bet on love again Benjamín Vicuña’s ex is advancing steadily in her courtship with Rusherking.

The couple lives together divided between the house of China and that of the singer.

Far from facing problems in the couple, everything seems to indicate that the china suarez and the young ragman are more than happy together, at least so far.

In “Socios del Espectáculo” they revealed what will be the new labor project of the famous. It involves nothing more and nothing less than Pablo Echarri, who would form the leading couple with her of a strip about to be released in this 2023.

At the moment, no further details have been disclosed in this regard, only that The series will be made and will be broadcast on a worldwide popular streaming platform with which Eugenia already has a contract.

This suggests that the production will be in charge of “Star Plus”, a company with which the actress has been working almost exclusively for several years now.

Eugenia denied the rumors of engagement with Rusherking.

What will Rusher and Nancy say?

Although in principle there are no reasons for discord to arise, unfortunately for the china suarez there is a certain bad reputation around her, about the transience with which she can fall in love on the film set.

On the other hand, it is also known that Echarri’s wife is quite jealous. It will be necessary to see then what happens when these two figures are in front of and behind cameras.

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