They murder the singer of corridos tumbados Chuy Montana

MIAMI.- The death by Chuy Montana, 25, mourns the industry musical mexicana, especially the lying corridos. The fact was confirmed by Street Mob Records, the record label to which the singer and that it is owned by vocalist and leader of Fuerza Regida Jesús Ortiz Paz.

According to local media, Jesús Norberto Cárdenas Vázquez, the artist’s first name, was allegedly kidnapped on Wednesday, February 7.

Univision He reported that the body of the young man, who promised to be a promise of the musical genre, was found on the free Playas de Rosarito-Tijuana highway.

Investigations indicate that Chuy possibly managed to jump out of the orange 2017 model Renault Stepway truck where he was being transported. However, when he fell from the moving car, he suffered significant injuries.

However, after this event, it is presumed that the captors stopped the vehicle and shot him several times in the back of the head and arms with a 9 millimeter caliber pistol, causing his death, reports local media Punto Norte.

However, the middle Millennium has a different version.

Sources, alleged witnesses to the scene, assured the tabloid that the young man did not jump out of the car, but rather that the kidnappers took him down and then murdered him. Montana had his wrists tied when his body was found.

Steps in music

Chuy Montana was discovered by Jesús Ortiz Paz’s record label. The young man was beginning to make his way in the Mexican music industry, specifically in the genre of corridos tumbados.

Before signing with Street Mob Records, Montana sang near the San Ysidro gatehouse.

The singer recorded the single Polvos de Chanel with Fuerza Regida.

Through a statement on Instagram, the label requested respect from the performer’s relatives.

“On behalf of Street Mob Records we deeply regret the death of our colleague and brother Chuy Montana. We sympathize with his family in this time of pain,” the letter reads.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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