a fan of Zelda he received a Bob Ross paint kit for Christmas and was immediately inspired by the game. The result is charming and impressive, with a healthy dose of happy trees, as Ross used to call them.

Bob Ross He is a popular artist among many, who achieved most of his fame through his show The Joy of Painting, where he would demonstrate to his viewers how to paint landscapes.

While many liked to follow him around to learn how to paint, others just liked listening to him talk as he was generally very positive and had a soothing voice. Though Bob Ross now deceased, he remains a popular figure in pop culture and among art fans.

Today, the Bob Ross name is associated with a great deal of merchandising that either capitalizes on its general popularity, or helps continue the effort of teaching people to paint.

One such fan, TheRealKaz on reddit, received a Bob Ross paint kit for Christmas and decided to paint the death mountain and the Field of Hyrule of Legend of Zelda as a first try with the set. The result is enchanting, with soft colors that make the countryside and even the looming mountain feel welcoming.

If you look closely at the painting, you’ll see the careful effort put into shadows and textures, making the mountains appear suitably rocky and the foliage fluffy. Anyone who is not a fan of Zelda will appreciate the work as a charming landscape painting.


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