El error del fin de las dictaduras neocastristas en el siglo 21

Beyond the popular anger, serious consternation persists among officers and workers of both institutions, where, by the way, there are children and grandchildren of exiles, who know perfectly well the criminal nature of the regime and whose relatives have suffered first-hand from state terrorism. Cuban.

This was confirmed to us in the early hours of this Thursday by the two sources, who until now we remain anonymous, thanks to which DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS was able to make known this fact of undeniable risk to the security of the United States, in a place like the MIA, where hundreds of thousands of people circulate every day. Which is not a minor fact. Quite the opposite.

Are there really those out there who believe that opening the doors of the TSA to the officials of the Cuban regime is not something very serious and compromising, that it is not a simple mistake and that’s it?, our source A asks, still angry. “This madness needs to be stopped once and for all,” he warns, quite rightly.

MIA is one of the busiest sites in the hemisphere. Until last March, more than 88,000 flights were dispatched at MIA, exceeding that same month by 12% last year, with an average of 165,300 passengers daily. In 2023 MIA received 52.3 million passengers and if this trend continues, by the end of this year it could exceed 55 million, as reported by DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS.

That this incredible instructive and cooperative tour through rooms and technology, which are the most precise lenses of American national security, had occurred in a distant state, would not fail to set off alarm bells, because in any way and anywhere This is an irresponsible act. But the fact that it took place in the heart of the Cuban exile undoubtedly takes on greater significance.

There is no shortage of those who believe that everything can be expected from the government of Joe Biden, Barack Hussein Obama’s aging vice president. A dangerous duo that, beyond carrying out the failed thaw, returning spies and giving an embassy to Castroism, has helped Caribbean communism so much and has harmed the Cuban people and exile so much, keeping them, with their strokes and conniving, from liberation. of the island.

The sad reality is that the new gift to a state sponsor of terrorism happened here, under our noses, inside our home. The TSA has justified itself by claiming that the order to provide this inconceivable tour came from the White House. The MIA and the Miami-Dade mayor’s office, under whose jurisdiction the airport is located, alleged that they were not informed of this visit. According to what they have said, they found out from the press, when DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS published the news exclusively and for the first time, which other media outlets were quick to cite.

But not only the readers and the people of Miami have expressed their disbelief at these statements, but within the MIA and the TSA there are officers, with no little information and analysis capacity, who think exactly the same. As I reported in my previous column, published in elnuevoconservador.com

This guided tour of restricted TSA areas even caused an incident with a US officer who expressed his discontent, understanding that this could compromise national security, since, beyond the personnel who work in these areas, their content and technology has only been entrusted to national officials and authorities or from allied countries.

We learned that TSA and MIA workers questioned whether this information was provided to a regime that the State Department maintains on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism (SST), along with Iran, Syria and Korea. from North. A TSA officer could not suppress his contempt for the murderers and leaders of the dictatorship, so he was summoned by his superiors to a meeting in another room. So far, as our sources have assured us, this exchange has not escalated.

Our source B assures that what some US authorities are alleging about the compartmentalization and security levels of TSA environments and technology that Cuban agents accessed at the Miami airport is far from true: “They want to do passing the event off as something normal, but it doesn’t make sense. Either they are not doing their job well or perhaps the objective of these meaningless statements is to downplay a serious error or serious complicity. There are not a few of us who think about it.”

All of us who have traveled through MIA or any other international airport know that from the first checkpoint onwards, no one other than security personnel authorized at that level can stop next to the machines to analyze them, much less take photos or videos of them. “Imagine that here we are talking about entering security rooms to which the public, guests, or personnel without proper training have access and who have not passed a rigorous background check, as is logical” , accurate.

“Castro agents entered an even more sensitive space. We are talking about an area where luggage is inspected with x-rays, looking for weapons, explosives, bombs. We are not talking about areas with free or easy access. If there is someone who for some reason walks through the hallways, he cannot even deviate towards that area. In all cases, those responsible for that area must escort those who are on the team. “That’s not a game or a tour,” source A lamented.

Those who work with metal and explosive detector machines have to attend an academy where they receive training that is of restricted knowledge. “These people are not just anyone,” this same source clarified, but rather they are “people who first go through in-depth investigations. They have to have been working within the system for a long time, sometimes about 10 years, and have passed important security levels because their work is sensitive and our security depends on their level of reliability.”

The Cuban agents whom, according to our sources, the TSA authorized access to the security rooms, were able to learn about the latest generation robotic technology used at MIA and other US airports, which until that moment in Cuba they had not seen, at least directly. . “Teaching that to the dictatorship, sponsor of terrorism and anti-Americanism on several continents, is not only disrespectful to the people of Miami, it is also disrespectful to tourists from around the world who pass through here hoping to be safe. “It is a lack of seriousness and commitment to the safety of our people,” he expressed.

While for our source B, the Castro agents, “no matter how much we want to say something else now,” cannot enter there for several reasons: “They are not part of the security team, on the contrary, they are agents of a government that has attack against our national security, they are enemies, and of course friends of other of our enemies. Those people can’t have the right to ask about the x-rays we use to defend ourselves against our enemies. “We must investigate anyone who says otherwise.”

“Assume that this Democratic administration, nor the Americans who do not know the island well, do not care much about the terror of the Cuban state against its citizens,” says source B. “The point is that Cuba, not the Cubans of on foot, but the criminal government of the island, is on that black list for its alliances with international terrorism, drug trafficking, attacks, subversion, murders, everything, and against us Americans.”

“In Latin America and Africa there are thousands of victims. In the United States there are many victims. There are North American citizens imprisoned in Castro dungeons. There are fugitive American criminals cared for by the Cuban regime, enemies of our country and our way of life, who work for them,” our source A recalls.

I insist on questions that urgently need to be clarified: Why did the Miami Airport open its security rooms to those Cuban agents? Who is responsible for such a mistake that could compromise national security? Has this happened before, either at this or other airports, and we never knew about it? What if we had not reported this event? What’s next now in the script written by four hands between the White House and Punto Cero?

We await responses (not justifications) from the authorities.

*Luis Leonel Leon, columnist and collaborator of DIARIO LAS AMERICAS, provided access to the source that offered the scoop. The initial report and subsequent notes were prepared by local news reporter César Menéndez. The teamwork has been coordinated by Iliana Lavastida, executive director of the newspaper.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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