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They rumor that Clara Cha and Gerard Piqu are going through a crisis in their relationship

Clara Chía and Gerard Piqué are going through a crisis in their relationship

MIAMI.- The relationship between Clara Cha and Gerard Piqu It is far from going unnoticed. Despite having overcome a tumultuous year, in which rumors abounded about his controversial relationship, After the separation of the former soccer player and Shakira, everything now seems to indicate that the storm has returned.

According to the Barcelona dam, Cha and Piqu are facing a strong crisis. The reason? According to the National of Catalonia, Clara’s parents do not approve of the romance.

This difficulty has caused the young woman to reorganize her plans for a possible wedding with the businessman and her desire to have children in the near future. “The young woman has chosen to postpone her desire to be a mother, immersed in the persistent family disagreements that have arisen due to her relationship with the former player,” a source told the Spanish media.

Likewise, those close to both assert that Clara has dealt with the situation on average, even Piqué has sought to strengthen the bond with his in-laws, but they have not been successful. “They continue to resist accepting him as their daughter’s future husband,” the newspaper reports.

The reason for the rejection

El Nacional of Catalonia also specified that the reason for the conflict is the age difference between Piqu and Cha Mart. He is 36 and she is 24, their parents do not seem to approve of the 12 years difference between them.

Likewise, the media also pointed out that possibly another of the factors that affects the bad relationship between Cha and Piqué’s parents is the former soccer player’s desire to expand his family while wanting to remain present in the lives of his two children, Milan ( 11) and Sasha (8), through a new custody agreement with Shakira, has also influenced the escalation of the conflict.

Clara and Gerard’s relationship was announced shortly after he and Shakira announced the end of their life as a couple, in June 2022.

However, controversy has constantly pursued them, since what at first seemed to be just rumors of an alleged infidelity with the young woman, seems to have been confirmed after the Colombian singer released the album with Bizarrap. Shakira: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 53.

In the song, the Barranquilla woman lets out her frustration at the breakdown of their relationship and between word games she states that Clara Cha was indeed the third in contention.

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