Friday, January 20, 2023 | 5:30 p.m.

The attack happened minutes before midnight, on one of the main avenues. //Photos: Courtesy.

The attack happened minutes before midnight, on one of the main avenues. //Photos: Courtesy.

A shooting attack was recorded in the last hours of yesterday in the city of Jardín América, more precisely in front of the home of Dunav Bardic (39), a well-known local merchant who had arrived a while before with his family members.

A man in command of a motorcycle stopped the march and fired several shots at Bardic’s vehicle, which he had left parked on Antártida Argentina avenue. The sequence was recorded by the security cameras of a neighboring property.

“I couldn’t identify the young man who attacked and I don’t know why he did it because I don’t have a problem with anyone,” analyzed the victim and along these lines, he explained that “he had arrived home at 10 at night, and the fact according to the cameras It was at 11:51 p.m.

According to what can be seen in the filming, the suspect, from an orange Yamaha Fz motorcycle, without removing his helmet, fired shots at the vehicle. “You can see that he fired three times, the first bullet didn’t come out and the next two did,” Bardic said.

The merchant admitted that he initially associated the noise of the shots with the sounds of free exhaust from the motorcycles, so he did not initially realize what had happened. A neighbor alerted him by phone and was later able to verify it.

“Now I have the truck in the workshop, I still have no clues as to who it was and as I said, I don’t know why he did it,” said Bardic, who filed a complaint at the local police station and for this reason the investigators are working to identify the man. subject who fired the shots.


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