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They try to hack Kate Middleton’s medical records

They try to hack Kate Middleton's medical records

Until the sudden appearance ‘caught of Kate Middleton walking with Prince William, the whereabouts of the Princess of Wales was as unknown as it was uncertain. Until a few days ago little was known about her; Nor is it that the images have dissolved the doubts of British society. If there was no doubt about one thing, it was that everything began to go wrong, that she faded from the media, since her abdominal operation in a private London hospital. Her name was The London Clinic. And today it is back in the news for a worker’s attempt to illegally access Middleton’s medical records.


  • Journalist Jessica Reed Kraus points out that the Princess of Wales did not undergo abdominal surgery, as Kensington Palace claimed. She is healing and probably dealing with emotional stress.

  • Getty Images has been forced to add an editor’s note to an image of the late queen posing with all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Has been The Daily Mirror who has given the information, adding that, in addition, the center itself has opened an investigation into the matter. This is a serious security breach and very damaging to the hospital, given the medical center’s unblemished reputation with members of the royal family.some sources have slipped to the aforementioned British newspaper.

All medical staff are shocked

The summary of the event is as follows: a member of staff at The London Clinic tried to hack the history clinic to the Princess of Wales; As soon as the center was aware, it contacted Kensington Palace to promptly inform Middleton, a task that was carried out perfectly. From the Royal Family, and although it is unknown if the Police are already aware of the matter, once they found out, they have stated to the aforementioned tabloid that This is an internal matter of the clinic itself.

It is there where it is now raining harder, where they truly feel the seriousness of the event. All medical staff are shocked by what happenedexplains the same source, which makes the pain of betrayal collective. It is not only the deception of a partner; Ultimately, it is a breach of one of the principles of medicine, that of confidentiality: They are deeply affected by the fact that a trusted colleague could be responsible for such a breach of trust and medical ethics.

It was in that same center where, in addition to the intervention to which the Princess of Wales was subjectedCarlos III was admitted when he underwent surgery for benign prostate hyperplasia. Days later the announcement of his cancer would come. As for Middleton, who He remained in the center during the two weeks that the post-operative phase lasted.left there with an aura of mystery that he still cannot escape.

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