Martha Martinez / Reform Agency

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 | 18:27

Mexico City.- The coordinator of the PAN in the Senate, Julen Rementería, accused Morena and her allies of continuing to mock the Constitution by keeping the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) paralyzed.

The legislator recalled that this May 10 marks the 40th day without the Institute functioning, which already has more than 3,000 unresolved review appeals.

He recalled that yesterday, a federal court ruled again in favor of the Senate appointing the replacement of Commissioner Francisco Javier Acuña, to give the autonomous body the necessary quorum to be able to hold sessions, which it has not been able to do since the beginning of April.

“Again, a federal court urged this day that the Senate of the Republic must immediately appoint the replacement of Commissioner Francisco Javier Acuña in INAI, because it has not been in session due to lack of quorum since April 1,” he said.

The PAN member warned his peers that contempt of the court ruling could imply sanctions, since failure to comply with a suspension is taken as a federal crime.

Among the sanctions, he said, are fines or dismissal.

Yesterday, the Twentieth Collegiate Court on Administrative Matters unanimously confirmed the provisional suspension issued on May 2 by Judge Celina Quintero, in an appeal promoted by Francisco Ciscomani, a member of the INAI Advisory Council.

Rementería reiterated that it is urgent that the Senate make the appointments of the three commissioners pending appointment as part of the instruction of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to keep the Institute inoperative.

“More than a month after leaving the INAI paralyzed and they have not been able to meet, it already has more than 3,000 unresolved review appeals, and the senators from Morena and allies continue to ignore the judicial resolutions, the citizens and even international organizations that have intervened so that the institution of transparency continues to function. It is urgent that the appointments be made and as an opposition we will continue to insist,” he reiterated.

The legislator indicated that the INAI is an institution that guarantees the full exercise of the right to information and the transparency of the public administration, in addition to being an important counterweight to the powers of the State.

Given this, he warned that the Institute cannot disappear at the whim of a person, especially when the President also went to the institution to request information from his predecessors.


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