The European automobile market has initiated a long process that will take it, within a decade, to total decarbonisation: the European Union has infatti fixed at 2035 the last limit, the other one which does not potranno can sell endothermic cars, collevoli di emetere CO2 e altri inquinanti nell’ambiente. Oggi this imposition means electric mobility, the only true alternative technology to internal combustion that has shown sufficient practicality to replace the current car; To consent to a transition to electric mobility as painlessly as possible, ci will be part of a great effort on the part of the Governi, che dovranno assicurare, insieme ai fornitori di energia electrica, the right coverage of colonnine pubbliche per la ricaricafondamentali soprattutto nelle grandi città dove molti non hanno un box privato dove caricare confortamente durante la notte.

The colonial situation in Italy and in Europe

In the European countries, the diffusion of electric cars is proceeding apace: the Scandinavian countries have quickly embraced the technological innovation, and we are selling a very rapid diffusion also in the Bassi countries – the leading country by number of colonnine pubs in Europe – in Slang and in Francedove si possono contare più di 80,000 punti di Ricarica pubblici in ciascun paese, secondo i data ACEA. In Italyfor fare a paragone, at the moment we had little più di 35,000 punti di Ricarica pubblici: meno della metà rispectto ai 3 big della mobilità electrica in Europa, pur avento un popolazione di dimensioni simili a quella francese.

Obviously for capire better this data is important to report it to the number of electric cars sold: in Italy, after 3 years of constant growth, in 2022 we registered a discreet heat in the number of immatricolazioni (67,500 in 2021, only 49,500 in 2022), while in France, ad esampio, only to September 2022 sono state immatricolate 36,000 auto electtriche. In total, even if it is not very simple to find data affidabili, if estimated in France circolino 650,000 auto electric, while in Italy if estimated around 200,000 auto electric in circolazione: il rapporto tra auto elettriche e colonnine pubbliche in France it is quindi essere from 1 to 6.5, while in Italy this ratio is almost 1 to 7. That number is dedicate that in Italy an electric car if it can publicly caricature without particular problems, as it happens in France, ma l’ Installation and activation of the new colonnine is quite slow, in regards to the vendita di nuove auto, for which it will be important to have less costly control over this rapport with the increase in the data of the vendita.

An aspect of fundamental importance to consent to agli utenti delle auto electriche di viaggiare even for lungi tratti senza difficoltà, sarà la diffusione delle colonnine to ricarica rapida lungo le arterie autostradali: Oggi in Italy the percentage of colonnine to drain quickly compared to the total is davvero low, less than 10% of the total has a power greater than 50 kW, but it is destined to come out in few years thanks to the molteplici installazioni foreseen on the autostradali road , to no più di 50 km l’una dall’altra. In città invece le colonnine più diffuse sono quelle a 22 kW, più che suficienti a ricaricare quanto consumato per gli postamenti quotidiani.

Colonnine pubbliche di Ricarica: i problemi

Even in a city like Milan, where the colonnine pubbliche are ormai molto diffuse, non mancano i problemi: it is enough to test an electric car that is qualsiasi for any day to render it with difficulties that if found, try scomode applications da utilizzare, colonnine fuori use, assenza di assistenza technique, but I will not dimentify the problem of the self endothermic parcheggiate illegally davanti a colonnina.

I less technology on our own certainly is difficult, and it is common for all to use an app to get the “pieno” to your own car: the apps available on the market are still a little bit Acerbe to livello di funzioni e interfacciabut yes, if you have to dover, the Login will not be carried out without the information being inserted, the information will be reported to you on the app, it is not updated, and if it is, it goes to a colonnade that may be occupied, other people will be able to assist you and yes Scopre che è necessario sottoscrivere un abbonamento con il fornitore prima di poterlo contattare, insomma, tutta a series of complications in an’operation that dovrebbe is simple to eat a smartphone.

Using electric cars in città, and dovendomi affidare alle colonnine pubbliche di Ricarica, the most frequent problem that there is no contract is that the endotermic car is illegally patched in one Spazio dedicato alla ricarica delle auto elettriche: from this point of view Code of the Strada Chiaro speaks, that the stall can be used exclusively by the operations of Ricarica – both that the stessi fornitori di energía provide for an extra payment for the time in which if it occupies it, the stallo will finish the Ricarica – and see auto non-electrical parcheggiate calmly before you A colonnina is purtroppo very frequent.

In theoretical line Yes, I can chiamare i vigili urbani that we apply a sanction that goes gives 85 to 338 euro For the auto trovate in violation of article 158 of 2017, which contains the cast of supports and of the closed vietate: who the comma h-bis says that it is vietated will be “negli spazi reservedi alla fermata e alla sosta dei veicoli eletrici in ricarica ”. Nei almost più gravevi si rischia anche la rimozione forzata del veicolo, ma non semper l’intervento di vigili e carroattrezzi will be stormy: se avete fretta è meglio andare a cercare un’altra colonnina.

Tesla, and Supercharger are guaranteed

A diversi anni di distance dalla nascita delle colonnine di ricarica Supercharger, Tesla’s Celtic will invest in its own wealthy challenge if it is turning out to be incredibly convincing: Elon Musk’s car house has worked hard to grant its own clients a quantity of colonnine to riches fast enough to manage the circulating car park, ma non è only remains the successo di Tesla ricetta. Le colonnine Supercharger, oltre a essere molto powerful and fastsound affidabili, they are almost always available since I have not come to install the tools in any station and are perfectly integrated with the Tesla software that the client is used to using. In addition, this solution is one of the most expensive and imperative to tackle in the field, but it is also the one that consents and results in great things: driving a Tesla using the colonnine Supercharger is a much less stressful experience risking the crowd. Still recently, Tesla has opened the Supercharger also with other brands as evidenced by this approfondimento.

Tesla Supercharger

Ricarica wireless and other technology

Le colonnine di ricarica via cavo sono el única tecnologia che ad oggi risulta efficace per el auto electtriche, ma la ricerca non si è certain fermata e anzi, lavora spedita per fornirci nuove soluzioni di ricarica.

Gli experimenti legati alla ricarica wireless per le auto electtriche ormai sono molteplici, sia nella versione staticwhich provides for the car to be patched in one stallo endowed with a special step that if it occupies a rich car, the vehicle does not have two colleagues with a cable, if it is in the version dynamic, as we have seen any months in the Arena del Futuro dell’autostrada Brebemi. If it is about a rich type of inductive type that can be integrated under all’asfalto, così da caricare un veicolo mentre è in movimento.

Tra le altre solucioni potizzate c’è quella delle colonnine “pop-up” Integrate in the street, in degree of attivarsi and colleagues all’auto to effectuare la ricarica simply using the dedicated application.

Tra le solucioni più papabili a prendere piede nell’immediato futuro, si sono sicuramente le colonnine integrate nei lampioni stradali e gli armadi stradali convertiti in colonnine: in Germany la Deutsche Telekom si è occupata di convertare ben 12,000 armadi stradali in colonnine di ricarica, così da simplificare la vita degli utenti urbani senza occupare ulteriore suolo publico.

Colonnine di Ricarica, what is good for the future?

Seppur slowly, nei prosimi anni le grandi città vedranno la diffusione di un gran numero di auto electtriche, che proprio nell’ambiente cittadino possono dare il meglio di sé deducendo inquinamento ambientale e acustico; If I can, I will think that the solution will work very well with this electric car if I will install both colonnine DC to rich quickly, but in reality it will be sufficient even for the colonnine with potenza più bassa, for various reasons.

Innanzitutto, guiding in città the self electric Hanno consume davvero bassissimi, unlike the endothermic auto that consumes less at high speed, the electric auto consumes energy almost in proportional mode, respecting the speed at which it moves; Inoltre, le tratte mediae percorse in città sono davvero brevi e questo fa sì che la necessità di ricaricare sorga forse un volata alla settimana, se non addirittura ancora menos di frequente. In più bisogna I will consider costi and he technically and bureaucratically difficult What if I find when I fly I will install a colonnina ad high power, even if it is in a city environment: very easy and economically acceptable to install many colonnine a low power – ideally one for ogni 2 parcheggi, as i parchimetri dei film americani – così da I will consent to tutti one Ricarica without stress. Strongly increasing the diffusion of colonnine pubbliche if it annuls the problem of the endothermic car parcheggiate davanti to a point of richness, a problem destined to ridursi quasi fine to spare a volta that will calato the number of car with motor to scope in rapport to that electric.


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