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This is Ester Expsito’s viral double: influencer and makeup specialist

This is Ester Expsito's viral double: influencer and makeup specialist

It is a very common imagination that of the chance encounter with what is known as double times, which is, in German folklore, the word used to refer to the classic literary motif of the evil twin, and in everyday life, the term used to refer to that person who, it is said, shares a planet and identical facial appearance with a userIt is not an easy task to find it, although there are shortcuts; and, without a doubt, the most 26 million followers that Ester Expsito has on Instagram, of course the countless army of people who are not her but do know her make it easy to find any type of double.

The profile of an influencer who, through TikTok, shows makeup tricks and routines, as well as different methods for taking care of the skin, has gone viral in recent days. Her name is miriian9 And while her content focuses on beauty, her video view numbers have only grown exponentially for a reason other than her product: Her resemblance to Ester Expsito is extremely high and almost the product of a Mephistophile pact.

How is it not Ester Expsito?

The young woman, who accumulates more than 36,000 followers and almost 5 million likeshas experienced tremendous growth in its numbers: His last three videos have a whopping 20 million views. This abrupt rebound is the result of the phenomenon double times which, far from going unnoticed, has catapulted the reach of his profile.

Proof of this is the cascade of comments that point out the almost implausible natural resemblance between the two. You may be tired of these comments, but I checked your profile to see if it was an Ester Expsito account.says one user, to which another adds: What do you mean it’s not Ester Expsito? Questions pile up because of such similarity. How did you become Ester Expsito? I also want to be like that., another Internet user rambles; A last one, among many, uses his ingenuity to settle their facial similarities: She looks more like Ester Exsito than Ester Exsito herself.

The influencer distances herself with this wave of comments: She only responds to those who talk about her makeup techniques and aesthetic content. Ester Expsito has not commented on the matter either. But between the two there is already a bridge, the result of the authentic and pleasant fire that runs through social networks, which unites them, beyond their similarity and which leaves behind, presumably, the German folklore canons.

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