This is how La Dura and Jacob Forever celebrated Thanksgiving

La Dura and Jacob Forever celebrated Thanksgiving with family and with a spectacular dinner in which good taste was not lacking in the decoration and the different dishes.

As every year, their social networks witnessed the celebration, as both uploaded photos and videos of the event to their Instagram profiles. celebration for Thanksgiving this fourth Thursday of November.

Capture Instagram / La Dura

The Cuban influencer showed in detail how the table decoration was decorated with roses, plates, cutlery, glasses and matching candles with gold details.

Capture Instagram / La Dura

Jacob also posted a video of the celebration with his family and close friends and even posed for the cameras with his daughter Saisha. “Happy Thanksgiving to everyonehealth, long life and blessings,” he wrote in the description of his post.

The Cuban reggaeton player recorded the moment of the toast. “Thank God for lifeThank you for your health, thank you for the blessing of this beautiful dinner. Happy Thanksgiving,” Jacob is heard saying.

Capture Instagram / La Dura

This 2023 has been a good year for the couple, full of personal joy and professional triumphs, so there are enough reasons to be grateful for all the good things that have happened to them.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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