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This is how you can enjoy art with the five senses

This is how you can enjoy art with the five senses

ORLANDO.- Music, art, design and even gastronomy come together in the concept that gives rise to one of the busiest festivals at Epcot, the Disney theme park in Orlando that presents segmented events throughout the year to offer comprehensive entertainment experiences.

This month, the first of these festivals began, the International Arts Festival, and expectations are high because it brings together activities focused on different classifications that invite us to enjoy art through all the senses, while we tour a giant art gallery.

And this is one of the most impressive aspects of this event that lasts 39 days: more than 100 artists, designers, sculptors and goldsmiths exhibit their work, but many of them are also there, talking to their followers, signing their works and exchanging creative ideas with those present. From artists from Thomas Kinkade’s studio to Disney’s main designers like Steven Thompson, they are there, available to the public to share a little of their artistic universes.

Likewise, the performing arts also take place, as we can see artists painting their works live, acrobats, musicians and, of the most anticipated shows, renowned Broadway singers who perform within the framework of the Disney on Broadway concert series performing works. musicals from The Lion King, Frozen, or Beauty and the Beast, among others

Among the interactive experiences we can count the spaces for us to explore our own artistic talent, painting an immense mural by numbers, of which all visitors can be a part; or attending a drawing class led by Disney artists.

Another of the interactive experiences – one of the most fun – is offered by the photo sets that include attendees inside world-known works of art, such as The Rowers’ Lunch, by Auguste Renoir, and also inside movie scenes. from Disney.

Special mention deserves the art that is experienced and enjoyed through taste, and throughout the park, and in some of the country pavilions, there are gastronomic points that offer sandwiches and drinks inspired by artistic movements. Thus, we can try a Wellington sirloin inspired by classicism, a dessert in Art Deco or a drink with all the colors of the rainbow, and flavor and color are deployed with total creativity for these creations.

This event, which is a true celebration of art, will take place until February 19 and can be enjoyed with the same park admission, although special lunch or dinner packages are offered that include reserved seating for Disney on Broadway.

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