Despite the many benefits associated with physical activity, according to the report published by the European Heart Network (EHN)an entity of which the Spanish Heart Foundation is a part, it is estimated that around 25% of women in Europe are physically inactive. But far from what is often thought, being physically active does not necessarily require spending hours and hours in the gym or doing excessively demanding exercises, in fact keeping our body active simply walking can be enough to be healthy and lose weight.

And it is that, there are several investigations that have shown the benefits of walking for health and how a gesture as simple as this can help us to reduce those extra kilos effectively. But did you know that there is a more beneficial way of walking with which you can reduce your weight even more? This is what Harvard University has recently revealed.

The correct way to walk to lose more weight according to Harvard

That’s right, in addition to consuming NASA’s favorite superfood, there is a way of walking that may be even more useful for you to lose weight and this has recently been revealed by the Harvard University through a recent study. And it is that, in addition to knowing that walking daily 15 to 30 minutes It can be very beneficial for health, since it helps speed up metabolism and keep us active. According to Harvard, there is also a better time of day to practice this exercise.

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According to the prestigious university, the moment after dinner is the most recommended to take that walk, since it loses weight even more. What they recommend to do it is to walk at least during 30 minutes at a brisk pace and if possible before eight in the evening. Something for which you will also have to make sure you have dinner early and at least two hours before going to sleep. A simple gesture with which they also warn that you can lose more abdominal fat.

If going for a walk after dinner makes you lazy, it is best to take advantage of that moment to take out the garbage, walk with your dog or even do chores around the house that allow you to stay active for the minutes after dinner and that allow you to complete that half hour walking. Do not forget that the physical benefits of walking are also linked to the decreased symptoms of mild depression and anxietyso they can also be of great help to your general well-being and mental health.

Other benefits that you can also get walking

By incorporating this daily habit you will also be offering your body many other physical and mental health benefits. These are other benefits that you can also get by walking:

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  • Improve your cardiovascular health: Walking is a low-impact form of aerobic exercise that will also help strengthen your heart and blood vessels. So it can help you reduce the risk of heart diseasewhile lowering blood pressure and improving blood circulation, as evidenced by a study published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biologya magazine of the American Heart Association
  • Strengthening of bones and muscles: Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that also stimulates bone strengthening. This is something that helps prevent loss of bone density and in turn reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Something that becomes even more important in the case of women after menopause.
  • Improves joint health: Unlike other high-impact exercises, such as running, walking puts less stress on the joints, which is also more beneficial for people with joint problems or injuries. Walking regularly can help you reduce joint painimprove mobility and flexibility.
  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Several studies, such as the one published in published in ‘Diabetes Care’have shown that regular walking can lower the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and other types of diseases. It has also been linked to an improvement in glycemic control in people with diabetes.
  • Improves mood and stress: As we anticipated, physical exercise and therefore walking helps to release endorphins. These chemicals in the brain help improve mood, to reduce stress and anxiety. That is why walking in the fresh air can have a positive effect on mental well-being.
  • Increased energy and vitality: Walking daily can also increase energy levels in the body. And that is, physical exercise promotes blood circulation and oxygenation of the bodysomething that can help fight fatigue and improve the feeling of vitality.

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