Blueberries are that type of red fruit that few people could refuse to consume, because they are really extraordinary. Since some time, even, they have been cataloged as a superfood and supposed to be low in calories and with a great beneficial size for health.

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Precisely, as it is low in calories, it can be ideal to help you lose weight and we explain this to you a little more. Monday Healthlinecranberries are known as the “King of antioxidant foods”.

The cranberries, whether the fruit is in whole or in liquid form, its protective compounds are absorbed and present in the body. Photo: Istock

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Cranberry: helps to reduce body fat and prevent cancer

The cranberry juice has an emulsifying effect on the grease deposited in the body, which in turn helps to lose weight. Since it is full of fiber, it also helps to keep it full for longer, as published quora.

What are the benefits of the red cranberry?

  • Prevent the appearance of gastric ulcers by preventing the adhesion of h.pylori.
  • Great antioxidant power. Prevent premature aging of the skin.
  • Reduce the risk of suffering from cancer.
  • It helps to reduce body fat as it has a high nutritional power, low caloric intake, few sugars and is rich in fiber.
It is considered a superfood and you can supplement it in your diet. Photo: Istock

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  • Prevent the appearance of dental caries.
  • Reduce blood pressure and favor the presence of good cholesterol (HDL).
  • Improves hair health thanks to its content in vitamins and polyphenols.
  • Prevention and treatment of urinary infections.

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How to prepare the jug of red cranberries to lose weight?

It is also important to remember that this yoke does not work miracles, it could be a supplement. And if you want to slim down faster, you should also take an exercise routine and complement it with a diet.

We also recommend consulting a specialist to avoid future problems.

It’s so easy to make, you only need the ingredients.

yoke of cranberries


  1. About 20 blueberries
  2. A vase of water

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  1. We will take all the ingredients to the blender.
  2. Licue until obtaining a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Serve and enjoy.
  4. Recommendation: Drink 1 or 2 cups a day.


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