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This is the only Spanish company among the official suppliers of the British royal family

This is the only Spanish company among the official suppliers of the British royal family

The British royal family is synonymous with conflicts, fights between its members, controversies, scandals, but it is also synonymous with tradition, luxury, and things well done. Therefore, becoming part of its official suppliers, those known as royal warrants It represents a patina of prestige for any company that no one wants to miss.

From pens to nail polish, spirits or even cars. Brands fight to bear the seal of a real house associated with exclusiveness. You just have to look at how the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, sells out all the clothes she wears. This is the effect that the firms want for themselves by adding this distinction from the crown.

At the moment, Only in Spain is there a company that can boast of being an official supplier of The Firm. This is Porcelanosa, one of the world’s most important manufacturers of ceramics, kitchen furniture and bathroom items. The company entered this supplier club when it installed a sustainable kitchen in the house of Charles III when he was still Prince of Wales. He was so happy that he included them on the list and has attended different parties organized by the group in which he has also met the, untitled, queen of hearts of Spain, Isabel Preysler.

What do you have to do to be a supplier?

Getting on this list is something that many companies long for, and it is not easy at all. Mainly, the monarchs and the rest of the royal family must have a need to meet and if the organization can satisfy it, and the clan members find the performance of their products adequate, aristocrats set their own requirements.

In the case of Carlos III these have always been closely linked to sustainability and caring for the environment, one of his obsessions since he was very young. In fact, in his previous residence, he had his own garden, and he admits that he loves the garden. He has even written about projects for new sustainable cities for a change in the direction of society.

However, the function of the monarchy is not to enter into these tasks, nor to show its opinions very openly, since they must be neutral to political changes, so select the royal warrants It’s one of the few influences they have left. and that companies are so interested in. Good work, equality or sustainability programs within companies, or even low energy consumption are some of the characteristics that suppliers must report to try to enter this exclusive club where there are already companies with Aston Martin, Land Rover, Opi or Porcelanosa, among others.

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