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This is the personal life of Pedro Piqueras

This is the personal life of Pedro Piqueras

Pedro Piqueras’ time at the head of Telecinco’s evening news comes to an end, and a new phase of your life begins: retirement. The journalist from Albacete will pass the baton to Carlos Franganillo, who, like him, previously worked on Spanish Television.

However, despite seeming like a very everyday person in the lives of viewers (who doesn’t know Piqueras?), Little is known about the personal life of this communicator who sits from Monday to Friday on the other side of the screen to tell the most relevant news of the moment.

Of humble origins and coming from a working family from Castilla-La ManchaPiqueras moved to Madrid when he was very young to study Journalism thanks to a scholarship, although it must be said that he previously repeated a high school course, since he used to miss class to visit a young love.


Santiago Abascal on Telecinco News with Pedro Piqueras.

Although he had no more vocation for the profession than the fact that he liked to write, the truth is that he did very well, creating a unique style of giving the news that provides great credibility to the public that says goodbye to him today.

Plano sentimental

Journalist He is the father of a son, the result of his first marriage with Ana, which finally broke up. Jobwhich is the young man’s name, studied Advertising at the Antonio Nebrija University in Madrid and after finishing his degree he has worked in several agencies, such as the renowned McCann.

He rebuilt his life with Esther Barriga, who has a degree in Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid and in Veterinary Medicine from the Alfonso X El Sabio University. Together with her he can be seen practicing sports on the outskirts of Madrid, in the mountains, where he built a house that he designed himself to escape the big city.


Pedro Piqueras, about his personal life: Now I have another type of non-marital relationship

Budapest, your refuge

Perhaps one of the reasons why he preferred to go to the countryside to live was to unnoticedsomething that he could not enjoy in the capital, as he himself recognized in the broadcast of a travel program where They toured with him one of the European cities with the most stories: Budapest (Hungary).

As he mentioned, he loves that city and travels there whenever he can because he likes it and because no one knows him or stops him on the street as happens in Spain, which gives him a privacy that he enjoys, and It also gives him peace of mind to dedicate himself to another of his passions: literature, whether as a reader or as an author..

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