This was the return to the stage of Eduardo Antonio, the Divo of Cuba

Dressed in impeccable white and wearing a crown, in a white carriage pulled by white horses and escorted by four chorus girls in white, silver boots and red feather fans: this was the return to the stages of Eduardo Antonio, the Divo of Cuba.

“My comeback show. Thank you for so much love and affection from my audience. And my colleagues,” the Divo expressed on his social networks, sharing fragments of his first appearance on stage after convalescence from his aesthetic operations.

Life goes onEduardo Antonio sang before a dedicated audience that applauded and cheered the artist at his concert, celebrated in Tamalazowhere he has had a club for some time and where this Sunday many of his guests and fans gathered.

With this long-awaited show, El Divo celebrated not only his return to the stage after his health problems, but also the first anniversary of his club at the well-known Miami restaurant.

New guests continue to be added to the list of artists who will be at his show at Tamalazo, as he himself announced on his Instagram profile, where he posted a poster in which they appear

Bonco Quiñongo, Alexis Valdes, Heydy Gonzalez, Eddy Borges, The 3 of Havana, Rupert, Marytrini o Ramoncin Velozamong others, were on Eduardo Antonio’s guest list, who promised a fun show, accompanied by live music.

“That beauty! What a beautiful entrance and, as always, your voice and movement on stage are spectacular! “Divo, I love you!” said an admirer on the social networks of the artist from Placetas.

“You are an artist in every sense of the word. You live for your audience, always with love and respect. That’s why everyone loves you. You have class, that is not acquired, that is what you are born with,” another told her, recognizing her dedication to her audience.

At the end of October and after weeks of waiting, Eduardo Antonio finally He showed all his followers the results of his cosmetic surgery. El Divo chose “At home with Telemundo” to show the change of image that his fans were hoping to see.

While recovering from his cosmetic surgery, at the beginning of September the artist underwent emergency surgery for an intestinal complication. However, A few days later he left the hospital completely recovered.dancing and singing among friends and followers who celebrated his recovery.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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