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This was the tender meeting between the children of Evangelina Anderson and Martín Demichelis

Evangelina Anderson She is one of the most well-known botineras in the Argentine show business, although she has also been one of the least covered in the media, since a few years ago she decided to move away from her native country to take refuge in Europe, where she raised her family with Martín Demichelis.

However, everything indicates that the model returned to her native country for a new work project for her husband, since he was hired as the new Technical Director of the River Plate Club, after this space was left empty after Marcelo Gallardo’s goodbye. . But the truth is that the arrival of Evangelina Anderson It was not as immediate as expected.

Emma, ​​Lola and Martín Bastian are the children of Evangelina Anderson and Martín Demichelis.

According to the words of the same Evangelina Anderson To the panelist Pampito, his arrival in Argentina was delayed because he wanted his children to finish the school year and, in addition, to resolve some changes so that this new way of life would not affect the little ones so much.

But what most stole the eyes of the arrival of the loot box It was the tender embrace of Martín Bastian, his eldest son with his father. This tearful and loving video was posted under the caption: “Finally, how we miss you Demi.”

Without a doubt, the arrival of the mother of Emma and Lola gave a lot to talk about, because many recommended that she not come to Argentina due to the bad economic situation, but the model pointed out that she has to be where the father of her children is. , since they are a big family that supports each other.

Anderson’s farewell

Likewise, as we said at the beginning, Anderson took her time to say goodbye to the continent where she lived for many years, in fact, she did not hesitate to gather her heart friends to walk through an iconic place on the old continent.

The media had a very European farewell with her “soul friends”.

Demichelis’s wife decided to visit Paris and the iconic photograph that reached her Instagram followers was obviously with the Eiffel Tower in the background and a sentimental dedication where it was made clear that she was going to miss them very much.

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