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Those investigated for alleged mistreatment in the daycare of celebrities begin to testify

Those investigated for alleged mistreatment in the daycare of celebrities begin to testify

A little less than a month ago, two workers from a daycare center in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) were detained accused of alleged mistreatment of children who attend the educational center. The case exploded in the media when it involved the daycare to which several Atlético de Madrid footballers took their children, such as Antoine Griezmann, Morata, Sal or Mario Hermoso, in addition to the singer Huecco.

A trainee worker was the one who raised the alarm. The young woman recorded the allegedly criminal practices that occurred inside and that justified the action of the National Police. There are currently six people under investigation, including the director of the center, who have already begun to testify in court.

On Friday, December 22, the person in charge of coordinating the daycare was filmed leaving the courthouse surrounded by the media. Without making statements, The director walked to her car without the presence of her lawyer. In front of the judge, he answered only the questions of her lawyer and was released without preventive measures.although maintaining its investigated status.

For their part, three other workers gave a statement before the Investigating Judge 2 in Pozuelo de Alarcón last Wednesday and were released provisionally, although with a restraining order of 500 meters from the center. They are being investigated for an alleged crime of degrading treatment and another of injuries. Only two employees will remain to give their testimony.although it is not ruled out that new people will enter the cause.

Miriam Gimeno, a reporter who traveled to Pozuelo for the program And Now Sonsoles, claims to have spoken with two of the witnesses who will be key to determining the responsibility of those investigated. They have not wanted to speak publicly, although off camera they have acknowledged being very affected, he emphasizes. There is a lot of secrecy among parents. They tell us they are in shock and they take refuge in another center where they are being helped to regain lost confidence.

What is going to rise is the number of victims

The journalist specialized in judicial information, Carlos Quílez, has set a date for the first filmed images that could constitute a crime: September 8. hIt still started with 1% of the viewing and they have already charged three more people. The Police believe that there may be more accusations, but what is going to increase is the number of minors who would have been victims of the alleged mistreatment.

Of the six people investigated, there would be one specifically who would be the most proactive in the alleged attacks on the children, whose ages were between 0 and 5 years old. Some would be accused of non-action or omissionsaid journalist Cruz Morcillo.

Lawyer Cruz Sánchez de Lara has also commented on the scene of the director walking alone to her car. When she escorts a client and has cameras on the door, she usually doesn’t go out alone. It could happen either that there is a court-appointed lawyer without much connection, or that he is more than enough, or there is a psychological issue, he has predicted.

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