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"Ticking time bomb" Gigi takes on Lucas Cordalis

Gigi and Papis accused Lucas of “dishonesty when the cameras are rolling”, Lucas talked himself into the victim role (“They left me alone”), which was definitely not true because he voluntarily stayed behind at the bridge to give interviews. And also, as moderator Jan Köppen very aptly said: “That’s how it is in the jungle: the weak are left behind in the forest.”

First “bolo gate”, now “gulp gate”. The others had no idea why the former “three musketeers” attacked each other and only understood jungle station when the combatants shredded. “You’re a dander, you’re fake, you have the smallest eggs I know,” Gigi grumbled, Lucas countered, “Boy, do you think about your upbringing first” and was only a few millimeters from an Italian rage. At some point, papis was fed up: “Lucas showed his true face, he plays a role. I don’t talk to him anymore, he should keep his distance from me.”

In summary: They live in a very small space and stick to each other, but they still manage to talk past each other with a run-up. Mediator Jolina gave up at some point in exasperation. Cosimo Citiolo (41) did the only reasonable thing without a word and cracked. And Djamila became a wise woman again: “Well, that’s how it always is: In the second week, there’s a bang.”

Claudia, who watched the verbal hustle and bustle in perplexity, said in between: “Actually, I would have been interested in what actually happened before I saw it on TV.” Nothing will come of the wish, so she was given the opportunity to turn on the TV a little earlier: the viewers redeemed Ms. Effenberg from her suffering called the jungle camp and sent her to the Versace. “Yeah, I’m happy,” said “Effine” honestly. “Thank you thank you thank you!”

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