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Tilsa Lozano pronounces on the huaico in Punta Hermosa: “God bless those who are suffering”

Henry Espinoza

Tilsa Lozano used her Instagram account to show the situation that the citizens of Punta Hermosa are going through. The former model published a video in which she expressed her sorrow.

“Here in my town. God Bless those who are suffering right now,” said Jackson Mora’s wife. So far the ex-bunny has not published another story on the subject.

Tilsa Lozano pronounces on the huaico in Punta Hermosa: God bless those who are suffering. Video: I.G.

Due to the increase in the intensity of the huaico, the authorities have asked the inhabitants to avoid approaching the area, since there is a great danger of being swept away by the current.

The authorities have declared that, so far, 18 active streams have been registered in areas such as Chosica, Chaclacayo and Cieneguilla.

Punta Hermosa: users publish shocking videos of Huaico that devastated the district

Different videos have been published on social networks that show the impact of the mudslide in Punta Hermosa. In the images you can see how the avalanche reaches the district.

An aerial view video recorded by a drone was also published, where the terrible situation suffered by the citizens of Punta Hermosa is seen.

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