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Tinet Rubira comes out in defense of the singles of the OT 2023 contestants after multiple criticisms

Tinet Rubira comes out in defense of the singles of the OT 2023 contestants after multiple criticisms

Operacin Triunfo put the finishing touch to its edition on Amazon Prime Video on February 19 with the proclamation of Naiara as the brand new winner. Paul Thin and Ruslana settled for second and third place, respectively. The finalists, as well as the rest of the contestants, have returned to real life with a golden opportunity to continue demonstrating their talent outside the Academy: releasing their first singles as solo artists.

However, the songs that the triumphants are releasing do not seem to convince viewers of the talent given that many of them accumulate endless criticism on social networks. Some users consider that the contestants are rushing to release their music without putting much effort into publishing a quality song. How sorry I am for the OT 2023 contestants and the tremendous shit first singles they have released, most of them with a three-euro video clip. But hey, a failure is forgotten and can be overcome later, but how little care the production company puts into it, you can read.

Faced with these harsh words, Tinet Rubira, one of the top managers of Getmusic and creator of the Operacin Triunfo format, comes out in defense of his boys with a forceful post on his X profile. The singles of the contestants are the final work of the composition workshops they do at the Academy, start writing. They are edited to give meaning to the work, but they do not have any commercial intention nor do they define their future artistic careers, he adds.

Tinet Rubira for the feet of the haters

Tinet Rubira’s speech ended up causing a tense disagreement with another X user, who questioned this lack of commercial intention on the part of the organizers of the talent musical and that the singles were a TFG. They have a commercial intention (there they are on Amazon Music to scratch something). We all know that they are a test to see who shoots the most. We lived it in OT 2insists the tweeter who works as a journalist.

You, who are a journalist, could inform yourself and then share your research here about how profitable it is to release music independently and that the return is only what the platforms pay for each listen, answers Rubira. The contestants participate in everything that enters their music. Albums from the galas, singles… as performers, as authors. It would be good if you asked them in a few months when they receive the settlements of their rights.he concludes.

The singles of the OT 2023 contestants can only be heard on Amazon Music during its first week of launch, which makes its dissemination difficult. At the moment it is not expected that they will be available on other music platforms.

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