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Tips to prepare the house before leaving on vacation and not have surprises when you return

Many count the days before embarking on vacation and do not remember much of certain essential care that must be taken into account when embarking on the trip. The house requires adequate preparation to avoid problems when returning.

A very important issue to resolve is what should be done if the house it remains alone and closed when you go on a trip. In that case, it will be essential to leave our home in perfect condition to avoid disasters upon return.

A previous bad organization can generate displeasure.

One of the important points to go on a trip without worries is to monitor the safety of the house. The doors and windows must be properly closed and, if possible, leave a copy of the keys with someone you trust.

Another of the important data to control of our living place it’s the fridge The ideal is to remove shelves to verify that there are no remains of food and dirt and empty it completely. It should be planned not to buy a large quantity before the trip.

It is recommended to leave everything impeccable.

It is also recommended to leave it unplugged and open so that fungus does not form. It can also be left plugged in, in case you have merchandise in the freezer. It is recommended to put an ice cube on a plate to check if the light has gone out.

Before going on a trip it is appropriate to turn off the power at a general level. If it can’t be done, unplug all electronics from televisions, lamps, small appliances. Thus, unnecessary consumption or an accident due to a voltage spike can be avoided.

Everything must be kept in its place.

bugs and plants

Regarding plagues, when one leaves the house alone when embarking on a trip, it is recommended to use natural repellents such as lemon juice or vinegar and apply them in areas where ants or other vermin may enter.

You can ask someone to clean the house for our return.

It is suggested that someone go to water the plants. If this is not possible, they can be left in a bucket or in the bathtub with water in the bottom so that they do not go thirsty. It can be drip irrigation: you need a cotton cord and a container with water. The thread will moisten the earth little by little.

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