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Tips to use the air conditioning correctly and according to each environment

When summer and high temperatures arrive, the use of the air-conditioning both at work and at home. It is important that they can be used responsibly both for health and for the environment.

In general, experts recommend keeping the air-conditioning with an optimal temperature that is between 17 °C and 27 °C if we comply with sedentary schedules in the place. In case exercises are done there, it is suggested to have the refrigeration between 14 °C and 24 °C.

It will also depend on the humidity in the environment.

Among the points that specialists reveal the most is that the air-conditioning in commercial, administrative or other public buildings are between 25 °C and 27 °C. In addition, a correlation with a relative humidity level between 45% and 60% must be taken into account.

Also it is advisable not to spend more energy and not waste the cool What does he give us? conditioning apparatus keep doors and windows closed to prevent heat leaks and also save electricity.

It is necessary to graduate the orientation to be effective.

If we refer to each environment, the bedrooms, the living room or the living room, must have a temperature of 24 °C, although adjustments can be made with the orientation and the exposure to the outside and to the sunlight that arrives. If it is excessively hot, leave it at 20 °C and 22 °C.

In the kitchen, for its part, it must be graduated according to the activity that is carried out. If there are not too many appliances on, the air can be kept between 23 °C and 26 °C. If the oven is turned on it can be reduced to 20°C to compensate.

If activities are carried out, the temperatures will have to be lowered in summer.

At night and with babies

Among the data mentioned by the experts, the air-conditioning during the night it should be off. However, if you want to sleep with the device on, it should be kept at not very low temperatures, between 23 °C and 26 °C.

Babies and air, a topic to debate.

In case there are babies, the ideal temperature for their well-being is between 22 °C and 24 °C. It will be necessary to control that the air flow does not reach the baby directly. In the car, it will depend on the temperature outside.

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