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"Tired of posting about this" : Diana Blois (Large families) rants against the "false kindness"

Often the subject of criticism, Diana Blois, discovered in Large families: life in XXLspoke of his recent exchange with the head of a Facebook group with not-so-friendly messages.

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Since its appearance in Large families: life in XXL, Diana Blois and her tribe focus on showing us the joys of family life. Advice for moms and dads who are expecting or who have several children, good tips, but also funny or touching moments, she saw her popularity rise to exceed 200,000 subscribers on social networks, when her husband, Gérome, almost 100,000. One “family cocoon” which she wishes to preserve, far from the criticism she regularly receives when she shares her life on Instagram.

The Blois family facing toxic comments on Facebook

The mother reveals in a series of stories the case of a Facebook group dedicated to the show, which was initially intended to be benevolent, and which ultimately turned out to be more toxic than it seems: “This will be one of the last messages I make on this, because I’m tired of making them, it was to tell you that there are Facebook groups, and there was one that had opened and who called himself benevolent. But for me, it was false kindness.” She says she contacted the administrator of the group in question to ask him to stop talking about her family: “As it happens, the person in this group seems balanced to me (…) at a given moment, it really becomes very toxic for our daily lives, for my head and we try to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible.”

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Diana Blois attacks those accusing her “to spread your money”

“Personally, I don’t need to talk about myself or create buzz, we share our family life authentically,” explains Diana Blois, visibly tired of the criticism, listing them: “On Insta, we share on a daily basis, it has evolved, we were able to buy a house, clearly, I would not have been able to buy one a few years ago, I make no secret of it .” The mother is also angry with people telling her that she “flaunt your money” : “I don’t feel like I’m showing off my money, if buying a house and doing work is that, well yes, but I don’t think I’m the only one in the world to do it.” She adds that she doesn’t force people to follow her, nor does she need advice when she doesn’t ask for it: “Even less so when they are said unkindly.” To the wise…

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