Nella sfida against Torino e Fiorentina, Pietro Pellegri if he prepares to return to the center dell’attacco granata

After the success of Verona, one mancano ancora 3 partite alla fine del campionato. The objective of Turin è only one: raggiungere l’ottavo posto in classifica. Nella next game, valid for the 36th day against Fiorentina, Pietro Pellegri si prepare per tornare titolare. Apuntamento a domenica 21 maggio alle ore 15:00, allo Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino per Torino-Fiorentina. The condition of sanabria It is not optimal: the Paraguayan number 9 is replaced by the number 69 of Verona-Torino due to a muscular annoyance. At his post, Pellegri himself entered. Nell’allenamento a porte aperte al Filadelfia, Sanabria has lavorato a parte, confirming the physical problem of the smaltire. Gli esami instrumentali poi, they have not evidenced an injury: he will not play part of the game against Fiorentina. Considering that both Miranchuk and Radonjic have not worked separately, while Vlasic is in the group, the solutions in advance are not bad. Ivan Juric Quindi, I will replace his bomber, if he will fit all the others and the only central tip present in pink. Pellegri scored the goal against Sampdoria and returned to the title next month from the last round (Bologna-Torino, a clamorous misfortune after 3 seconds).

Pellegri: a stagione with misfortune and goal

Quella di Pellegri è stata l’ennesima stagione condizionata dagli infortuni, ma anche con qualche goal messo a segno. For lui 18 he appeared in the championship and Coppa Italia, with 4 goals and 1 assist. In the championship he has jumped 12 games due to misfortune. Also without segnare, the benefits have not been agreed, but the physical tenuta is a problem for the 2001 bull. million euro. The potentiality is enormous and Juric considers it as a figlio: i presupposti per fare ancora meglio ci sono eccome.

Pietro Pellegri


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