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Tomorrowland: The Tomorrowland festival returns to Brazil in 2023

Sao Paulo.
The Belgian festival Tomorrowland gets another offshoot in addition to the winter edition. In October we are going to Brazil for the third time.

Visitors from all over the world come to the Belgian festival Tomorrowland every year. Many have a flag from their homeland with them, so that a large sea of ​​flags forms in front of the main stage and symbolizes the understanding and friendship between people of different origins at the music festival. Brazilian flags are particularly common.

South Americans now have a special reason to celebrate: the Tomorrowland festival is returning to Brazil in 2023. After two editions in 2015 and 2016, an additional event will take place in Itu near Sao Paulo for the first time. Mayor Guilherme Gazzola is delighted: “We are proud to host this world-famous festival in Itu, a historic tourist town.”

For the Brazilian DJ star Alok, the event has a special meaning: “It’s a magical and unique experience, both for me and for the festival-goers.” His compatriot and fellow DJ Vintage Culture adds: “Tomorrowland is one big family. I am very happy to welcome them back to our country.”

The Tomorrowland branch in Brazil will take place from October 12th to 14th, 2023. More information about the event is available at Tomorrowland home page.

More articles from this category can be found here: Tomorrowland

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