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Top model Papis Loveday in the jungle camp – “There are not enough black people on TV!”

Munich – ER is the biggest bird of paradise in the RTL jungle camp (start: January 13): top model Papis Loveday (45).

Born in Senegalese and living in Munich, he has walked the catwalk for cult brands such as Yves Saint-Laurent and Gucci. Why is the top model now taking disgust tests with kangaroo testicles and cockroaches?

Loveday to BILD: “I have noticed that there are very few black people on German TV. There are even fewer and fewer. That must not be. When the request for the jungle came, I thought to myself, this is one of the most successful shows in Europe with millions of viewers. I do that and show my colors with it.”

Before his modeling career, the native Senegalese was an athlete

Photo: Blackman/Senegal

But he still wants more: The KRONE!

Dad: “I’m going to be king of the jungle because the crown, cape and gold jewelry just looks better on black skin.”

What will he miss most in the Australian bush? “I love my morning beauty rituals and putting cream on my whole body,” says the 45-year-old. “It won’t work in the jungle.”

He always has his beloved mother with him.

Loveday: “I always have a picture of my mum with me, no matter where I am. That’s why I’ll take a photo of her into the jungle and put it next to my lounger.”

The 45-year-old is known for his eccentric appearance

Photo: RTL

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