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Top Secret: Why Queen Elizabeth II never revealed her favorite food

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From: Susanne Kroeber


The British royal family rarely reveals private matters. Queen Elizabeth II made no exception when it came to the comparatively harmless topic of favorite foods.

London – A comment on Prince Harry’s (38) biography? A statement on the Netflix documentary by Harry and Megan Markle (41)? Members of the British royal family will not be able to say anything so quickly. But there are also topics that sound like harmless small talk, about which Queen Elizabeth († 96), who died in September 2022, would never have spoken publicly.

“She would never be served anything else”: That’s why Queen Elizabeth II didn’t talk about her favorite food

Unforgettable is the short film on the occasion of her platinum anniversary, in which Queen Elizabeth II drinks tea with Paddington Bear and tells her cuddly guest what she always has in her handbag for emergencies: a jam sandwich. However, whether the monarch liked to have sweets or chips privately, she preferred to keep to herself. And the reason is obvious.

Royal sweet tooth: Queen Elizabeth II had a hard time saying no to chocolate. (Montage) © IMAGO/PA Images /Aviation-Stock

During her more than 70-year reign, Queen Elizabeth II attended countless official appointments, and elaborate menus or at least delicious appetizers were a must. Queen Elizabeth obviously wanted to avoid being served the same thing over and over again, so she remained staunchly silent about taste preferences. “One of her employees told me, ‘If she said she had a favorite meal, she would never be served anything else'”explains Gordon Rayner, Royal expert and co-editor of the telegraph.

Paddington Bear

Paddington Bear is a popular children’s book character created by British author Michael Bond (91, † 2017). In 1958 the first story appeared, about the little bear that the Brown family found on the platform of Paddington station in London and took with them. 26 more volumes followed by 2017. There are several series about Paddington Bear, in 2014 the film adaptation of the series was released with the British comedy “Paddington”. “Paddington 2” followed in 2017, a third part has already been announced.

“A total chocoholic”: The Queen’s ex-chef chats out of the box

Queen Elizabeth II didn’t reveal what she likes to eat in public, but her former private chef, Darren McGrady, gave an insider’s tip in a previous interview. “The Queen is a total chocoholic,” the Queen’s ex-chef said loudly Hello-Magazine. “The chocolate sponge cake is the only cake that comes to the royal table every day.” Prince William (40) is also a huge fan of the chocolate cake.

Too much of a good thing can also be bad, but that’s the Queen’s fear. And she was probably spot on with that. If she had revealed that she has a weakness for chocolate, Queen Elizabeth II would most likely have been given something sweet at every official occasion – a great temptation for the queen, who also watched her figure. But the Queen not only relied on secrecy when it came to favorite foods, too the Queen remained silent during a heated family dispute in Sandringhamwhile Prince William is said to have yelled at his brother, as Prince Harry claims in the Netflix documentary Harry & Meghan. Sources used:,

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