The case is updated.

Recently, Norway behind the facade and TV 2 have told several stories about adoptions to Norway.

An international adoption scandal is unfolding in several European countries. Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Finland are among the countries that have examined their own adoption practices.

After several media reports and political pressure, the Ministry of Children and Families confirms to TV 2 that Norway is following suit.

– I take this case very seriously, and have always been open to carrying out an external investigation, says Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Sp).

Important for trust

In the documentary series «Norway behind the facade» the last episode is about adoption.

There, Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe said that she had asked Bufdir for an internal review of its own adoption practice.

It is now clear that this review will be followed by an externally led investigation.

– It is absolutely necessary for trust in the investigation that we already warn that it is being carried out under external auspices. Especially for them this applies the most, says Toppe to TV 2.

She believes the point of the investigation is to get answers to how adaptations to Norway have taken place.

– The point is to bring out the truth. We will learn from this for the future so that we can be confident about the adaptations that are taking place, says Toppe.

– Sorry

Toppe meets Angelica Bråten, who is chairman of Utad, for a debate on TV 2 on Friday afternoon.

Bråten was adopted from Colombia when she was five years old, and registered as Norwegian-born on arrival. She works actively to raise the voices of foreign adoptees in the public space.

Bråten is happy that an investigation is finally being opened, but believes it has taken far too long.

– We are happy to receive this external review. But we think it is very shameful that it had to go to such lengths that we had to spread the stories in the media in order to be heard, she says.

Bråten says that they have tried to work against the politicians for many years without getting any success.

– We need you to include us, not just that you say you do.

Watch the entire debate in the video below.

– Is it time to apologize?

– I’m sorry that you don’t feel looked after and seen. I have a deep desire to make a difference. I will certainly work to ensure that the collaboration will be good and that you will be included when we do this review, says Toppe.

Taken from parents

On Friday, TV 2 wrote that Høyre, Frp and SV demanded that the government set up an independent and external committee to investigate all adoptions to Norway.

TV 2 has also told the story of Adriana Esmeralda Lid, who was taken from her parents in Costa Rica and sent to Norway.

Adriana was three and a half years old when she came to Ålesund with her little sister. Throughout their upbringing, the girls believed that they were unwanted and that that was why they had ended up in Sunnmøre.

For 32 years, the mother searched for her daughters in their homeland.

GROWED UP IN NORWAY: It was only in 2020 that Adriana Esmeralda Lid managed to track down her biological mother. Photo: Gorm Røseth / TV 2

– The stories of the adoptees that have appeared in the media recently have made a big impression on me. I am therefore initiating this external investigation earlier than planned. I believe that is important to ensure that this work gets the necessary legitimacy, says Toppe.


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