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TPMP: the Gayats not very fans of the Pellissard business in X (VIDEO)

This Thursday, January 26, Olivier and Soukdavone Gayat (large families) were the guests of Touche not at my post. During the show, they talked about the new business of the Pellissards in X.

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The conversion was surprising. A few years ago, TF1 aired a late afternoon program, Large families: life in XXL. With satisfactory audiences, the program has established itself as a strong link in the schedule of the first channel. The Pellissard family had made a strong impression with their strong temperament, but for a few months, Amandine and Alexandre have been cold with the production of the show, accusing him of not having had a proper attitude with their children. But the production of TF1 denied in block. With their growing notoriety, the Pellissards embarked on a completely different business, charming photos and videos. These are to be found on a platform accessible by subscription and therefore paying. Guests on set Do not touch My TVAmandine and Alexandre Pellissard said that their new activity brought them a lot of money, brushing aside criticism of them.

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The Gayats not fans of the Pellissard business?

This Thursday, January 26, it was the turn of Olivier and Soukdavone Gayat to be invited to the talk show hosted by Cyril Hanouna. During the show, the parents of nine children said they were having a hard time making ends meet as inflation hurt their savings. Then, Cyril Hanouna asked them about the new business of the Pellissard family. And their response was not long in coming. “Have you ever been with the Blois and therefore with the Pellissards?”asked the troublemaker of C8. “Oh no! Not Pellissard!”replied, a little embarrassed the father of the family.

“It’s their choice”

A few seconds later, Cyril Hanouna returned to the adult content of Pellissard, enough to provoke the immediate reaction of Soukdavone and Olivier Gayat. “It’s their choice but hey… We couldn’t do it. If we were alone, why not. But no. The family, the way people look…”, they replied. The mother then replied: “Me, I’m not like that. I hate that. Compared to children, it’s still…“.

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Do not touch My TVto be found in full on the application myCANAL.

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