Thanks to Numerama, it’s impossible to get tired of TikTok. We select a few creative, funny or captivating TikTok channels for you every month. Here are those of January 2023.

You are recovering from your Christmas party, you wonder if your new resolutions are worth keeping, you realize that you are going to age another year… January is not a very festive month. Luckily, TikTok is here to take your mind off things.

You do not know what to watch ? Well to start, we advise you our TikTok account. But, we also have some nuggets on the platform to present to you for January 2023.

The TikTok app can be very entertaining. // Source : helloimnick


Filiz Ackerman, known as FILIZ, is a pianist and singer specializing in mash-ups. She settles at the piano of a station and takes us without embarrassment in her scales. Quite often, people passing by get into his game, creating funny and touching TikTok videos. Candy for the ears and a good dose of good humor.

Uncle Batou

Uncle Batou, it’s one indie video game per week. Batou presents his discoveries without spoiler and with humor. Enough to stock up on video games for the new year!

Jacob Food Diaries

Whether you love to cook or not, there’s something everyone loves: well-dressed plates. Jacob Food Diaries is the ideal account! Through these videos, you will be able to discover fun, and sometimes a little disturbing (let’s not lie to us) ways of staging your meal (before devouring it and thinking about why you took so long on something something so fleeting).


Lightuuh is a mini-artist with a maxi-talent. Typography, characters, techniques, she presents all her skills to us by narrating her videos with her cartoon character voice.

Centre Pompidou

Oh yes, the Centre Pompidou has his TikTok account! Who better qualified to talk about art? Discover anecdotes about the museum and the artists presented, with humor and rhythm.


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