• The creation of stories and the type of content are two aspects that motivate an influencer to be followed.

  • There are elements that attract attention among influencers and it is generally how they document their personal lives.

  • There are elements in social networks that help to understand the ability of an influencer to attract attention.

A influencer trans she faked a pregnancy and the images of her swollen belly and “birth” of her daughter sparked controversy on social networks, showing that content and storytelling are crucial for an influencer to gain or lose followers.

When the study “The Influencer Marketing Factory” found that a majority of 26 percent believe that content is the main reason why they follow a influencer18 percent do it for their storytelling and 15 percent because they feel inspired by these personalities. Even 11 percent said that the way the influencer interacts with his followers motivates them.

Trans influencer and an “unexpected pregnancy”

A “pregnancy” took the followers of Domer Minaja influencer trans that motivated the analysis of all kinds of details about the supposed pregnancy that she experienced and that included everything from a fake bulging belly to the arrival of her daughter.

The process of her “pregnancy” began in February, when in a profile photo she held her bulging belly while showing the images of what appears to be an ultrasound, in which a fetus is perceived.

With a short pink dress alone, a concise copy reads: “It’s a girl, I look forward to you my girl!”. Immediately the messages did not wait on that occasion and they wrote all kinds of texts, from those who made fun of her news: “How strange that her breasts have not grown with the pregnancy, very strange”, to those who told her that the supposed pregnancy suited her appearance very well.

The story continued with the supposed birth of her daughter and the influencer appears with a bundle wrapped up, implying that it is her daughter, whom she named Ana Sofía, however, the deception was notorious when she took a plastic hand.

This is not the first personality that, being a transsexual person with great influence in networks, fakes a pregnancy or is the mother of false children. Jessica Esoterica He explained that the personalities of “Junior” and “Lupita” are false and he pretends to have them as children, to express himself in his transmissions of Facebookwhere he chats with followers, generally mothers, using these example characters to give lessons on how they should handle the problems they ask him about.

These cases are important cases of how content is generated today and how important it becomes to understand audiences with stories.

All these cases demonstrate a very important point and it is the one that has to do with the way in which content is created through stories that attract attention, due to the way in which certain cases are addressed. Whether it’s Domer Minaj creating content of a false son as an element to generate content that attracts the attention of his followers or the case of Jessica Esoterica, as a didactic resource to help with the queries he receives from his followers.

Already as argued by the study that investigated what motivates to follow influencers, the content and storytelling published by these personalities has become the focus to create content that attracts attention because it is the soul of social networks when personalities from these platforms carry out content.

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