This April 3 The campaign period officially begins for the Edomex elections in 2023. This entire process will end on May 31.

Unlike Coahuila, in the State of Mexico we witnessed alliances between parties, some that did not fit in and only two candidates who are going to compete to be the next governor.

Who are they? do you have clothes that we can take out? Here we leave you what you need to know about the candidates for the Edomex 2023 elections.

Photo: Darkroom

How will the Edomex 2023 elections be?

This year the State of Mexico and Coahuila will have local elections to, among other things, elect a new governor or governor. For the first time, in Edomex, we will have a female governor.

The PRI, PAN and PRD announced a coalition to run together with a single candidate: Alejandra Del Moral. According to its leaders, the candidate was chosen by the PRI, the party in which she is a member.

On the other hand, Morena launched herself hand in hand with the Labor Party and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) to compete with Delfina Gómez.

And Citizen Movement? He accused that all this was a theater, that the other parties had already made alliances to divide up the elections. and that this time they would not enter the Edomex 2023 elections… there for the other, young man.

Photo: Darkroom

Now yes, let’s go with each of the candidates for the Edomex 2023 elections to find out their previous jobs and if they have trash under the rug.

Delfina Gomez Alvarez

Delfina Gómez was born on November 15, 1962 in the municipality of Texcoco, in the State of Mexico. From 2013 to 2015 She started her political career as a Texcocan mayor, although she previously worked as a teacher.

Between 2015 and 2018, she was a federal deputy, for Morena, representing the 38th district and then ran for the first time as a candidate for governor of the State of Mexico in the 2017 elections. Between 2018 and 2021 she was a senator.

After the defeat, she was a federal delegate for welfare programs in the State of Mexico until 2021, when President López Obrador He appointed her Secretary of Public Education, position in which he was until 2022.

Last year she was relieved by Leticia Ramírez since she was officially uncovered towards the Edomex 2023 elections and she was appointed coordinator of the entire matter in the state.

Photo: Darkroom

Probably one of the biggest scandals for the candidate has been the matter of the tithe that she voluntarily asked for by force from the workers of the Texcoco city council when she was mayor.

It turns out that when she was mayoress of Texcoco, heThe workers of the city council voluntarily donated 10% of their salaries to support the activities and finance Morena.

The Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF) reviewed the case, confirmed it and fined Morena for 4 million 529 thousand pesos.

At the beginning of January of this 2023, Morena announced her as the sole pre-candidate for the Edomex 2023 elections and on March 26 she registered as an official candidate.

Alejandra del Moral Vela

Paulina Alejandra del Moral Vela was born on August 22, 1983 in the municipality of Cuautitlán Izcalli, in the State of Mexico. She has a law degree and a master’s degree in public administration and public policy.

Around 2006, the Polish woman entered as a candidate for local deputy for the 43rd district of her municipality and later worked as director of International Relations for the government of the State of Mexico.

The then President Enrique Peña Nieto appointed her general director of the extinct Banco del Ahorro Nacional y Servicios Financieros (BANSEFI). By the end of 2016, she became Secretary of Labor for Eruviel Ávila, who was the governor of Mexico.

In February 2017 it became President of the State Steering Committee of the PRI in Edomex, the year in which the party won the elections with Alfredo del Mazo.

Photo: Darkroom

At the end of that year, she was appointed Secretary of State Economic Development. Since October 2018, she returned as president of the PRI in Edomex to later be a deputy in the local congress in September 2021.

On January 17, 2023, she registered as the only pre-candidate and on March 21 registered as a candidate for the PRI, PAN and PRD coalition heading to the Edomex 2023 elections.

One of the main accusations against the candidate for governor of Mexico is that she was protected by then President Enrique Peña Nieto and, later, by Governor Alfredo del Mazo, both PRI members.

Es one of the mere mere behind the Tarjetas Rosas program in the State of Mexico. In the middle of last January, in this 2023, Morena filed a complaint before the Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico against him for carrying minors in Metepec.

Supposedly the PRI candidate took high school students to a pre-campaign event. The thing is that these types of situations are common towards the Edomex 2023 elections, whatever the color.

And that is how we started this matter, between dimes and bickering, accusations carried, of anticipated campaign acts, etc. What will be historic is that for the first time the State of Mexico will have a female governor.

Everything seems to indicate that the Edomex 2023 elections are going to be quite close and as the process progresses, we only have to go through the proposals of the candidates and give them a good thought.


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